How to protect your websites and mobile apps from bot threats with GeeTest CAPTCHA?

Your websites and mobile apps can be attacked by bots. To eradicate this possibility, you better have a protection plan to keep your websites and mobile apps safe and secure. CAPTCHA can be a good strategy to address all bot threats on your websites and mobile apps. Among all other CAPTCHAs, GeeTest is an amazing CAPTCHA service that can protect your sites and apps from bot threats.

bot attacks

Bots are on most of your websites every day, so it would be better if you know about them thoroughly and also know how to protect your website from bot attacks. Bot attacks are targeted for various reasons at each site and are mostly done for different reasons as well. Therefore, there is no one-size-fits-all bot attack defense available. But still, some protective measures can be proactive if you can take them to address the problem.


Unlike all other traditional CAPTCHAs, GeeTest CAPTCHA was developed by GeeTest and is a self-learning bot defense model that is based on GCN (Graph Convolutional Networks). They have collected a large amount of behavioral biometric data over the past nine years. It allows them to mitigate and identify harmful bots on all available GeeTest protected sites. In case you are wondering how to use GeeTest CAPTCHA, let me assure you that this is a simple process. If you are already logged in with a GeeTest account, you just need to login to your account and enter your CAPTCHA panel. If you want to add a new CAPTCHA, you must click the +New CAPTCHA option. After that, you will have your own set of unique CAPTCHA IDs and keys. You can also modify GeeTest CAPTCHA security settings from the dashboard.

How does CAPTCHA work?

CAPTCHA is an abbreviated term that stands for Fully Automated Public Turing Test to Differentiate Computers and Humans. In other words, CAPTCHA decides whether the person using the site is a real user or a spam bot.

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Traditional CAPTCHAs manipulate letters or stretch words and numbers to rely on human ability to determine exactly what symbols they are.

However, with the development of machine learning, it does not work, bots also have the ability to finish these recognition tasks distorted, traditional CAPTCHAs need to be more challenging to defend against sophisticated bot threats, resulting in more friction of the user and commercial losses.

To solve the problem of security and user experience, GeeTest developed AI-powered Slide Puzzle CAPTCHA in 2012. Instead of visual recognition challenge, GeeTest asks visitors to play a puzzle game. As visitors interact with the captcha, GeeTest collects data for its AI-powered risk engine to identify malicious features. In this way, GeeTest distinguishes legitimate humans with intuitive interaction and relieves users of a challenge-based security burden.

How does GeeTest CAPTCHA protect against bot threats?

GeeTest CAPTCHA is not a CAPTCHA generator but a CAPTCHA solution provider that can protect your mobile apps, websites and APIs from all kinds of bot threats. They can prevent web scraping to protect your sensitive data and valuable content from theft. They can also prevent ticket resale to prevent scammers from getting tickets to automatically resell them. Account takeover prevention is also one of their popular services where they prevent fraudulent payment and credential stuffing. It can also effectively decrease all kinds of abusive traffic and prevent platform resources from being wasted maliciously. In case of any ad fraud cases, they block scammers who steal additional income by making the fake traffic. In addition to these problems and solutions, they provide other methods to protect against bot threats and here are the following:

1. Blocking outdated CAPTCHA browsers and user agents

The main configurations for most scripts and tools contain lists of user agent strings that are very out of date. While this measure won’t stop ultra-advanced attackers, it might still trap and discourage some of them. The risk of blocking outdated user agents and browsers is also very low and most modern browsers force an automatic update on users. It makes it more difficult to navigate the site with an outdated browser.

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2. Protect all access points from harmful bots

You can protect your website and mobile apps by securing exposed APIs as well as mobile apps. This will not only save and protect your website, but also share all information related to the blocking between systems wherever possible. Protecting your website in this way will do little good only if the backdoor pathways remain open.

3. Create a blacklist and block suspicious IP addresses

While more advanced attackers turn to other methods and strategies to make it harder to block networks, most less sophisticated network owners and perpetrators use easy and affordable proxy and hosting services in order to generate suspicious IP addresses. GeeTest will not allow access from these sources, so it can deter attackers from going after your mobile apps, website, and APIs.

4. Carefully evaluate traffic resources

Traffic sources play an important role in determining the security of any website, mobile application, and API. Therefore, carefully evaluating your traffic sources can help you protect your mobile apps and websites. If you have a high bounce rate and see lower conversion rates from certain traffic sources, then both of these things can be a sign of bot traffic and while you can identify this, you can also address it with your methods and solution.

5. Accurate monitoring of failed login attempts

First, you need to define failed login attempts on your website so that people can have a clear understanding of that point and be careful when attempting CAPTCHA or login credentials. This baseline will help you monitor the entire situation accurately and give you a leg up on your website’s security system. While monitoring for spikes or anomalies, you can set up alerts so that if something happens on your site, you can be automatically notified beforehand. Slow and low advanced attackers generally do not trigger any users with session level alerts, so make sure you set global thresholds perfectly to monitor all failed login attempts.

6. Investigation of traffic spikes

Traffic spikes seem like a big win for any type of business. But if you want to find a clear and specific source for your spike, you can certainly research them thoroughly without facing any hassle. When you find some kind of spike that has no explanation, then it may be a sign of bad and harmful bot activity.

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7. Pay close attention to public data leaks

When recently stolen credentials are available, they are more likely to stay activated. When big breaches happen anywhere, you better expect bad and harmful bots to run those useful credentials against your website with a higher frequency that can do a lot of damage to any website. So it can be an ideal solution to pay close attention to public data breaches to protect your site and mobile apps.

8. Monitoring of incense invalidation failure of gift card numbers

If there is an increase in terms of failures, or even traffic or gift card validation pages, then it may be a sign or warning that malicious bots like GiftGhostBot are trying to steal your gift card account balance to use it to your advantage. This can cost you a lot of money and once they are stolen it is hard to get them back. Therefore, it would be best to monitor any increase in gift card number validation failure.

9. Evaluating a bot mitigation solution

Last but not least, the bot problem is an arms race. Bad and immoral people work hard every moment of the day to attack mobile apps and websites all over the world. The high volume, business, and sophistication damage caused by these growing automated threats places costly bot pressure on your IT staff and resources. These days, bots are even capable of mimicking security tools and methods. Therefore, considering a bot test mitigation can be a good solution for many vendors who have industry experts and get the vigilant support they will need to gain full visible control over abusive traffic. In this regard, GeeTest CAPTCHA should be your first choice.

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