Hunter Biden Denounces ‘Weaponizing’ Addiction in USA Today Op-Ed

Disgraced first son Hunter Biden pulled the addiction card Thursday, claiming in an op-ed that he is a victim of the “political weaponization” of his past vices, while staring down the barrel of potential charges related to their shady financial activity and other behaviors. .

“After what I’ve been through since my brother [Beau] He died in 2015 and the perpetual public humiliation I suffer, I am now sure I can survive anything (except a drink or a drug),” Hunter, 53, wrote in the article published by USA Today.

“The recovery effort is something to celebrate, and I hope that despite my role as a punchline and punching bag for some, others will also make the effort that I have made,” he added.

Hunter then attacked the conservative media, his father’s political rivals and the Justice Department for holding his feet to the fire for possible criminal conduct that included alleged tax evasion, foreign influence peddling and illegal possession of a firearm.

Hunter Biden denounced the avalanche of critical coverage against him.Saquan Stimpson – CNP

“My struggles and my mistakes have been fodder for a vile and sustained misinformation campaign against [President Biden]and a complete annihilation of my reputation through sharp but fruitless Congressional investigations and, most recently, criminal charges for possession of an unloaded gun for 11 days five years ago, charges that appear to be the first of their kind filed. in Delaware history,” he wrote.

The article appeared beneath a serious first-person headline that read: “I struggled to get sober. The political use of my addiction as a weapon hurts me more than it hurts me.”

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“The use of my addiction as a weapon by partisan and cowardly factions represents a real threat to those desperate to get sober but fear what awaits them if they do,” Hunter said.

Republican lawmakers in Congress have fiercely criticized Hunter Biden’s

The op-ed was published a day after the House Oversight Committee released a memo alleging that Joe Biden received $40,000 in “laundered” funds from Chinese government-linked CEFC China Energy through from a transfer from first brother James Biden and his wife, Sara.

Hunter himself pleaded not guilty to three charges last month related to his illegal purchase of a firearm while addicted to illicit substances after a plea deal imploded under the scrutiny of a federal judge in Delaware on December 26. July.

House Republicans have been launching a sweeping impeachment inquiry for nearly two months into President Biden’s role in Hunter and James’ foreign business affairs and whether he received money from them. The investigation was triggered in part by testimony from IRS whistleblowers that the initial criminal investigation of Hunter Biden was rife with political favoritism and that investigators were prevented from pursuing lines of inquiry that could lead to the president.

Hunter Biden has faced accusations of engaging in influence-peddling schemes to profit from his father’s political positions.REUTERS

Many critics did not buy the sad story of the first child.

“There are many crack addicts” X user Varad Mehta wrote. “Very few, as far as I know, prostitute themselves under his name because he is the same name as the vice president of the United States.”

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“1) I pray that Hunter is truly sober, although this level of untreated narcissism suggests serious ongoing problems. 2) Legit LOL at USA Today for publishing this absurd and blatant interference in the corruption of Biden’s family businesses,” wrote Federalist Editor-in-Chief Mollie Hemingway in X.

“He’s playing the victim card,” user J. Scott Shipman wrote in response to Hemingway.

He is playing the victim card.

– J. Scott Shipman (@jscottshipman) November 2, 2023

President Biden has long maintained that he is “proud” of his son.AP

“The message of Hunter Biden’s op-ed today is that because Republicans are so mean to him, other addicts may not seek treatment,” said one incredulous Joe Gabriel Simonson of the Washington Free Beacon.

“Hunter Biden’s woe is me speech on USA Today is strategic misdirection as congressional investigators close in on his father’s financial involvement in the family’s corrupt influence-peddling schemes.” wrote Post columnist Miranda Devine.. “It’s not about you, Hunter.”

Fox News contributor Joe Concha said the first son was using his addiction as a “crutch.”

“The criticism has nothing to do with his addiction and everything to do with influence peddling,” he added. “What a joke…”

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