Hunter Biden’s daughter Naomi ‘vandalized’ the US Capitol while a member of the Senate, leading to a humiliated apology

Hunter Biden’s daughter Naomi allegedly vandalized the U.S. Capitol in 2011 while working as a Senate page, prompting her father to humiliately apologize to the director of the page program, The Post has learned.

Naomi Biden, who was 17 and a student at Washington, DC’s elite Sidwell Friends High School, landed a plum job as a page for Nevada Sen. Harry Reid, then the powerful House majority leader.

His grandfather, Joe Biden, was vice president at the time.

In June 2011, she and a colleague took a tour of the Capitol dome, a privilege normally reserved only for members of Congress and their guests.

Naomi and her page allegedly defaced the walls around the historic dome.

“It was vandalism,” said a former Reid employee. “I remember perfectly. On the way through the rotunda when climbing to the top of the dome, they engraved their names in the stone.”

“It’s at the top, so you can only have a couple of people there at a time. I should have been on the tour. There is no way they could have gotten there at any other time,” the source recalled.

“They had to bring in architects and everything necessary to polish it.”

Naomi Biden allegedly vandalized the Capitol dome while she was a Senate page. Getty Images Naomi Biden allegedly vandalized the Capitol dome while a Senate page in the summer of 2011 REUTERS The dome of the US Capitol is an area of ​​the building rarely accessed by Senate pages. visit on tours.AFP via Getty Images

A second former Reid staffer said Joe Biden was informed about the misconduct.

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Hunter Biden, who spent much of 2011 leveraging his name and connections serving foreign business partners, tried to stop the imbroglio in a desperate email to Elizabeth Roach, the longtime head of the Senate pages program.

“I am Naomi Biden’s father. I can’t express how sorry I am for Naomi’s behavior. I’ve been in meetings all day and I just listened. . . What happened. As soon as Naomi finishes work today, I’ll talk to her. “I am very disappointed in her behavior, but I understand that her intent was not malicious,” she wrote on June 30, 2011, in an email contained on her abandoned laptop.

Hunter Biden attempted to defuse the situation in an email to Elizabeth Roach, the longtime head of the Senate pages program. Marco Polo “It was vandalism,” said a former Reid employee. “I remember perfectly. On the tour through the rotunda when you climb to the top of the dome, they engraved their names in the stone.” AP Naomi Biden is the eldest daughter of Hunter Biden.REUTERS

Roach responded less than an hour later.

“Thank you for the email and for emphasizing to Naomi the seriousness of the situation. I ordered the pages to write letters of apology to the sergeant-at-arms and the deputy sergeant-at-arms. “Naomi wrote very appropriate notes to each of them,” he said.

Roach declined to comment. Terrance W. Gainer, the former sergeant-at-arms who received Naomi’s apology letter, recalled the vandalism.

“The fact that it happened is not surprising. These young teenagers, the first time they were away from home, did a variety of things. Our goal was to correct them and guide them as best we could so they could be successful there.”

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A person with direct knowledge of the situation insisted that the carvings had been “tradition” and that “countless other Senate pages” had committed similar acts of defacement.

Naomi Biden appeared to suffer few consequences and visited China with her grandfather a month after the incident. AFP via Getty Images

There appear to have been few formal consequences. Just a few weeks later, in August 2011, Naomi Biden accompanied the vice president on a trip to China.

After her time in the Senate, Naomi Biden went on to the University of Pennsylvania and Columbia Law School. Like her father, she developed a taste for representing foreign nations and pursued international arbitration law at Arnold & Porter, a DC law firm.

A representative for Naomi Biden declined to comment.

Additional reporting by Joshua Rhett Miller

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