Imlie 16 December 2023 Written Update of Today’s Episode

We will provide a written update about their beloved show Imlie in this article as fans have been searching for information about it online. The episode begins with Meera shaking with anxiety as she realizes that the killer has returned. Agastya remembers how her mother shot her father after threatening to take money from him. Guruji informs Meera that he has watched her for years, watching her tremble in terror as she draws, but he has never asked her about her past or who the man the police are looking for is. A flashback shows Meera chasing her husband Kunal’s son when the assailant shoots Kunal and flees the scene.

Agastya suspects everyone because he has been accused of killing his father to get money. Meera, a single mother, also suffers from abuse and lack of trust. Pallo, her sister, Titu of her and Meera, her kaaki maa, saved her. Now back home, Meera no longer has to live in terror of the killer. Shivani’s marriage and her possible migration to a new home worry the Chaudhry family. After getting married, Agastya remembers that she had promised to divorce Imlie, so she breaks the agreement. Reopening their confectionery business, Agastya and Daadi ask Daadi if they can employ Imlie in his factory.

Imlie December 16, 2023 Today’s Episode

Avinash gives Vishwa insulin injections to help him control his diabetes. Daadi rejects Shivani’s request to organize a bridal shower due to her continuous arguments. Imlie expresses her and alcohol’s mutual love in an attempt to make up for her disagreements. Since Imlie cannot take care of her husband and her family, Daadi refuses to allow her to work in the factory. After buying wine at a nearby liquor store, Imlie rides her bike home. She finds herself being followed by a car, which is Vishwa. Since the killer is still on the trail, she believes her life is still in danger.

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With her face covered, Imlie rides her bike home after buying alcohol at the neighborhood liquor store. She approaches the driver of the car who she sees chasing her. Vishwa turns out to be the driver. Why is he following her? Imlie wonders. Vishwa claims that her life is still at risk as the killer is not far behind. He believes there is a connection between her and the killer, so she must go with him and help her team get the kaaki out of her. In the preview, Agastya searches for Imlie. Shivani claims to have left. He answers Vishwa’s call and hears him tell Imlie that since he is with her, she should not feel alone.

Categories: Biography

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