Incredible Video: Flying Sofa Surprises Turkey During Severe Storm

Residents of Ankara, Turkey were shocked by a severe storm that recently hit the city as a strange phenomenon occurred amidst the chaos. A viral video of the incident shows a seemingly regular sofa rising into the sky, defying gravity and startling passers-by. The unique event subsequently attracted the attention of the global online community, sparking excitement and conjecture about natural forces at work.

Witnesses at the site described the experience as bewildering and exciting. As they watched the sofa rise higher and higher, many people expressed a sense of wonder and bewilderment. Some suspected that the furniture had been lifted into the air by a tremendous updraft caused by the storm. Others were in awe of the sight, believing it to be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

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Turkish Storm’s Bizarre Delight: The Sofa Takes An Unexpected Flight

Several sofas blown away during a storm in Ankara, Türkiye.

— Guru of Nothing (@GuruOfNothing69) May 17, 2023

This viral video is shared by ‘Guru of Nothing’ on Twitter with the caption: “Several sofas blown away during a storm in Ankara, Turkey.” As the camera zooms in, it becomes clear that it is a sofa. The powerful winds caused the sofa to crash into another building in a matter of seconds. It is unknown if anyone was injured during the incident.

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Epic Storm Anomaly Sofa takes off, wows viewers in TürkiyeTwitter/@GuruOfNothing69

A passerby managed to photograph the incredible scene on his smartphone amid the raging storm. The video shows a large sofa soaring through the seemingly weightless skies amid a backdrop of gloomy clouds and fierce winds. As the sofa continues its seemingly impossible ascent, viewers exclaim in shock and disbelief. The video quickly went viral on social media, spreading like wildfire and captivating viewers.

Let’s see how the internet reacted to this video

Since the video was shared on social media, it has had more than 3,297 views. The massive distribution of the video on multiple social media platforms sparked a frenzy of responses from people all over the world. The reactions range from surprise and amusement to memes and humorous jokes. Some viewers dubbed the floating couch the newest superhero in the Marvel universe, prompting a flurry of hilarious fan art and clever storytelling.

One user said, “Gives Magic Carpet a whole new upgrade.”

Gives the magic carpet a new upgrade.

— 🐅ZenTigerAcademi🌊 (@ZenTiger0217) May 18, 2023

Erdogan, according to another, will do whatever it takes to postpone the elections.

Erdogan will do anything to delay the elections.

— Lori 🪻🫏 (@LoViLu) May 18, 2023

Another person commented: “I hope no one sat on it.”

I hope no one sat on it 😅

—Tonami (@Tonami2k) May 19, 2023

what do you think about it? Let us know in the comments.

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