Iranian citizen with ‘links to terrorism’ expelled to Canada 2 months after being detained at the border

Federal authorities have sent an Iranian citizen with “ties to terrorism” back to Canada more than two months after he attempted to illegally cross the border on two separate occasions.

The unnamed individual, who was sought by Canadian authorities on assault charges, was officially deported on Dec. 21 by Buffalo Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO), U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said. ).

The man was wanted by Canadian authorities as a “national security priority” and had unspecified “links to terrorism,” the statement added.

The fugitive attempted to enter the United States for the first time on October 10, when he presented himself to immigration authorities on the Rainbow pedestrian walkway in Niagara Falls, ICE explained.

Customs and Border Protection officers turned him away and escorted him to Canada Border Services.

The man was first turned away by border authorities at the Rainbow Bridge.The man was first turned away by border authorities at the Rainbow Bridge. AFP via Getty Images

However, two days later, the US Border Patrol arrested him when he illegally entered the United States “at or around” the Whirlpool Bridge port of entry in Niagara Falls, the statement continued.

The Iranian national was granted an expedited deportation order by ERO Buffalo on November 8.

He remained in the US for six weeks, until he was deported to Canada under the Safe Third Country Act, ICE explained.

An ICE official.The official expulsion was announced by ICE this week. fake images

“The strong law enforcement partnership between ERO Buffalo and Canadian law enforcement authorities is imperative to increasing national security and preventing dangerous people from fleeing justice,” ERO Buffalo Field Office Director Thomas Brophy said in the release.

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“The return of the Canadian resident to Canada to face charges is due to the dedicated officers on both sides of the border, who work together to provide public safety to our communities,” he added.

In 2023, authorities found 564 people whose names appeared on the terrorist watch list at the northern and southern borders, according to data from Customs and Border Patrol.

Of them, 172 crossed illegally into the United States.

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