Is Ja Morant still alive? Death hoax debunked and club video goes viral

Most of the news is related to death rumors, sometimes they are true and other times they are false. Fortunately, most of the news we receive is unsubstantiated and a complete hoax. This time we also share one of those death rumors that is once again debunked. If you are actively using social media platforms, then you surely read the Jo Morant death rumor. Rumors of her death are currently trending on Twitter and attracting everyone’s attention. The fans of her are quite shocked and stunned after hearing this news and for them it is nothing short of trauma.

Is Ja Morant dead?

However, some fans are smart and instead of believing such news, they directly start looking for authentic information. For those who don’t know him, we tell you that he is a professional basketball player from the United States of America. He plays basketball for the Memphis Grizzlies of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He was the second overall pick in the 2019 NBA draft by his team. He is known for his impressive athleticism, outstanding dunks and playmaking ability, and is considered one of the brightest young talents in the basketball community.

ha morant

Although this is not the only reason why he is in the news, he has also been mainly involved in legal matters. But now, the death rumors of him have taken place on social media and many unauthorized websites are sharing the death rumors of him. Rumors of his death have drawn people’s attention. Fortunately, all these rumors are false and he is not dead, in fact, he is also alive and well. Rumors of disappearance have been in the news for quite some time and they are all found to be false.

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ha morant

This rumor started after a joke site claimed that the American basketball player was discovered dead in his downtown Memphis home. The site also mentioned that he passed away due to an undetected lethal disease. Some of his fans freaked out after reading this news and started looking for more details about him, while some bought it and started paying tribute to him. However, the prank site mentioned at the end that they were pranking their readers, writing: “You’ve been pranked.”

ha morant

After reading this, some fans still don’t believe it and looking for more clarity later, they realize that he’s not dead and it’s actually a joke from the website. The NBA star hasn’t commented on the matter and instead is now embroiled in another huge controversy that leaves people thinking he may be damned.

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