Kim Jong Un and his daughter wear matching outfits on a visit to a military production plant

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and his daughter wore matching outfits as they toured a missile production plant just days after he threatened to “annihilate” the United States and South Korea if they provoked him.

The plump dictator and his daughter, Kim Ju Ae, who many believe is Kim’s likely successor, were dressed all in black as they walked through military facilities, photos released Thursday by North Korean state media show.

Kim has called for boosting production of several missile launch vehicles in the new year, saying it is imperative for the Hermit Kingdom’s nuclear war deterrence, according to state media.

In a meeting with officials from the country’s ruling party last week, Kim said North Korea would expand its cooperation efforts with “independent anti-imperialist” countries as it prepares for war, state news agency KCNA reported.

Kim Jong Un and his daughter Kim Ju Ae toured a military facility in North Korea together. KCNA VIA KNS/AFP via Getty Images The father and daughter smiled as they looked at the huge missiles, photos show. KCNA VIA KNS/AFP via Getty Images

The despot also pledged to “completely annihilate” the United States and its rival South Korea if provoked, by deploying the Hermit Kingdom’s nuclear arsenal, known as its “prize sword.”

“If the enemy chooses military confrontation, our military should deal a mortal blow to completely annihilate it by mobilizing all the toughest means and potentialities without a moment’s hesitation,” Kim told the nation.

The threat came after a year during which North Korea tested its largest ballistic missile and launched its first reconnaissance satellite, as Pyongyang says war is inevitable.

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Kim’s public appearance with his daughter also comes after US officials announced that Russia launched North Korean missiles against Ukraine in recent weeks. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby called it “a significant and worrying escalation in the war.” [North Korea’s] support for Russia.

North Korea has threatened to “annihilate” the United States and South Korea if provoked. KCNA VIA KNS/AFP via Getty Images U.S. officials announced Thursday that Russia launched North Korean missiles into Ukraine. KCNA VIA KNS/AFP via Getty Images

Ju Ae, believed to be around 10 years old, rose to prominence in November 2022 during a nuclear-capable missile launch exercise. She is believed to be the second (and favorite) of Kim Jong Un’s three children.

Since then, Ju Ae has made other public appearances, including sharing drinks, watching missile parades, and dining with top army commanders.

The family raised their profile by putting their faces on five new government-issued postage stamps.

His sudden rise has led to speculation that North Korea’s dictator is no longer heavily dependent on his once powerful sister, Kim Yo Jong.

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