Land Records Search 2023 Land Records Search, Bhumi Abhilekh, Jamabandi Search by Name

Land Registry: – Most states have digitized land information, making it easier for property owners to search land-related records by name. Residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural land owners now have easy access to their land documents online. 99acres explains how to search for land records by name and provides details on each state’s official websites.

Avoid the hassle of waiting in long queues to access land records from your tehsil office. The public authority has taken measures to support the digitalization of territorial organization and administration in some Indian states. The COVID-19 lockdowns also emphasized the need for easy access to land records and related information. With the digitization of land records, it is now advantageous for landowners to check details by name on the authority’s site. The move aims to make the process transparent and secure, while providing convenience to owners.

Land registration

A land record is a legal document that details the ownership of a specific parcel or land. It includes records such as rental registration, crop inspection, mutation and disputed cases, among others. Before frequent visits to the tehsil office, verifying land records was a cumbersome process. Most states have now digitized the entire process, allowing citizens to search land records by name and type.

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land registry

Land Registry Overview

How to perform a state land records search by name?

आधिकारिक राज्य वेबसाइटों पर भूमि रिकॉर्ड देख नॖ िए नीचे दिए गए चरणों का पालन करें:

  • अपने राज्य की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट
  • विकल्प खोजें और इसे चुनें
  • नाम के साथ वेबसाइट पर मांगी गई आवश्यक जानकारी इरी
  • यदि आवश्यक हो तो सुरक्षा कोड या कैप्चा दर्ज कः
  • भूमि रिकॉर्ड का विवरण आपकी स्क्रीन पर प्रदर्त ित या जाएगा
  • More information

की सूची के मा ध् यम से आवश्यक भूमि अभिलेखों की खोज कर सकते हैं

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Importance of digital territorial records

Keeping up with land records was a huge task, raising questions about properties, tricks, forgeries and cases, among others. The government launched the Digital India Land Records Modernization Program (DILRMP), previously known as the National Land Records Modernization Program (NLRMP), to address the issue.

Under the DILRMP, land registration records, Bhu Naksha or cadastral guides, and transformation records, among other land-related records, have been digitized. According to reports, 92% of land records have already been digitized. Most states have digitized their records and the rest are doing the same. Citizens can quickly and easily perform a name-by-name land record search with the help of the centralized online land record management system.

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What are the benefits of digitizing land records?

This is the case:

  • डिजिटल रूप से भूमि अभिलेखों आसान उपलब्धता, पत्ति से जुड़े धोखाधड़ी और घोटालों क0 बेहतर पारदर्शिता बनाए रखना।
  • डिजिटाइजेशन के कारण मालिकों द्वारा formerly ुगतान अनिवार्य हो गया है।
  • स्वामित्व का विवरण आसानी से उपलब्ध है और इसे त ेज से सत्यापित किया जा सकता हॉ ं को रोका जा सकता है।
  • संपत्ति की प्रामाणिकता को मूल रूप से जांचा जा सक ता है, जिससे भूमि की बिक्री और खरीद को सक्षम क िया ा सकता है।
  • विकास योजनाओं के लिए ऑक्युपेंसी Ex इन संभव है।
  • भूमि अभिलेखों और भू–स्थानों या मानचित्रों को दे दे ने, बनाए रखने, पंजीकरण करने और अद्यतन करने के लिि ड़की प्रणाली है।
  • भूमि मालिक अपने संबंधित राज्यों के भूमा ं को ऑनलाइन एक्सेस करने और प्रक्रिया में समन चा लिए ऊपर उल्लिखित जानकारी का उैं।
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Land Record 2023 FAQ

Where can I find a copy of my MP property record?

Choose “free services” from the menu at, then “Khasra/Map Copy” and then select the district, RI circle, Tehsil, Halka, village and Khasra number for a Khasra . To view Khasra details, no registration is required.

Who maintains land records in India?

The registration of sale deeds and the collection of stamp duty are the responsibility of the Registration Department. The registration process is carried out at the office of the Sub-Registrar. The RoR and mutation register (any change in title) is maintained by the Revenue Department.

Who owns the Indian lands?

Initially, Articles 19 and 31 of the Indian Constitution stated that the right to property (which includes land) is a legal right granted only by the government. The right of all citizens to acquire, preserve and dispose of property was guaranteed by article 19.

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