Man undergoes extreme body modification, amputates fingers to create claw-like hands

A body modification fanatic known as ‘Human Satan’ cut off three of his fingers in an attempt to transform his hands into claws.

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Who is the man who voluntarily mutilated three fingers?

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Michel Praddo, 49, from So Paulo, Brazil, has put life and limb at risk in his pursuit of perfection.

The severely tattooed man has upped the ante by cutting off the pinky and ring finger on his right hand following the amputation of the ring finger on his left hand.

What has the man done?

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The body modification addict, known as ‘Diabao’, which translates to “devil” in Portuguese, posted bizarre photographs on social media last month. After having a finger cut off on his left hand two years ago, this is his second finger removal operation.

He initially dubbed the project “La Garra”, which translates to “The Claw”, after keeping it a secret for so long. Because both hands have had some digits removed, the project has been appropriately named “Las Garras,” which translates to “The Claws,” according to local media.

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Praddo initially informed his fans that he was worried that the treatment could jeopardize his career as a tattoo artist. “At first it was very difficult, but it didn’t take me long to start tattooing almost normally again,” he tells me.

When did man receive all the body modifications?

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After the initial operation, the Guiness World Record holder for having the most subdermal horn implants on his head claimed he experienced phantom limb syndrome where his fingers used to be. But all this is worth it for 33-horned Praddo, who says he is “very pleased” with his seven limbs.

Instagram users were left speechless and one of them commented: “very nice manicure.” Another, more critical follower questioned why she amputated her “perfect fingers” when some people don’t have the privilege of working with their hands.

Why is he doing all these extreme body modifications?

The ink fan stated that his main ambition was to become one of the most transformed humans on the planet. Praddo claims that he is still not done after 60 treatments and it is estimated that 85% of his body is covered in ink.

How is it inspired by Satan?

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Satan, often referred to as the Devil, is a figure in various religious and mythological traditions. In many Western religions, particularly Christianity, Satan is viewed as a malevolent supernatural being associated with evil, temptation, and the embodiment of sin.

He is often depicted as a fallen angel who rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven.

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In Christianity, Satan is considered God’s adversary and plays a central role in the temptation of humanity, as described in the Bible. Different religious traditions and interpretations may have different beliefs and stories about Satan, but the general concept is that of a powerful, malevolent force that opposes divine goodness.

It is important to note that beliefs about Satan vary between different religions and cultures, and not all belief systems incorporate the concept of Satan. In some belief systems, such as certain forms of modern Satanism, Satan is reinterpreted in a more symbolic or non-supernatural way.

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