New Year premiums rise 4% in June to Rs 30,009 Cr

New Year premiums rise 4% in June: IRDAI reports that in June this year, new premium income of life insurance companies increased by about 4% to Rs 30,009.48 crore. In the same month last year, all life insurance companies had received the first year’s worth of new business premium income of Rs 28,868.68 million.

There are 24 life insurance companies throughout the country. Among them, Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) recorded a 4.14 per cent decline in new premium income in June 2021, reaching Rs 21,796.28 crore compared to Rs 22,736.84 crore. rupees in the corresponding month of last year. Additionally, the combined revenue of the remaining 23 private sector life insurers rose nearly 34% in June from Rs 6,131.84 crore to Rs 8,213.20 crore.

New Year’s premiums increase 4% in June

As we approach the middle of the year, many people and businesses are reviewing their financial plans and budgets. One notable development that has caught the attention of many is the 4% increase in New Year’s premiums in the month of June. This unexpected surge has left both consumers and industry experts wondering about its causes and implications. In this article we will delve into the factors that explain this increase and what it means for individuals, companies and the insurance sector as a whole.

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New Year's premiums increase 4% in June

New Year’s premiums increase 4% in June

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Understanding Premium Increase

  1. Economic factors: Economic conditions play an important role in determining insurance premiums. In recent months, inflation rates have skyrocketed in several countries. Rising costs of living, rising labor and material costs, and supply chain disruptions have all contributed to higher inflation. Insurance companies, in turn, often adjust their premiums to take these economic changes into account.
  2. Claims Trends: Insurance premiums are also influenced by historical claims data. If insurance companies have experienced a higher volume of claims or more expensive claims in recent years, they may increase premiums to cover these costs. Factors such as extreme weather events, accidents or unexpected health crises can increase claims and, subsequently, premiums.
  3. Regulatory changes: Government regulations and policies can affect insurance premiums. Changes in insurance laws or requirements may result in adjustments to premiums. It is essential to stay informed about any regulatory changes in the insurance sector, as they can directly affect the cost of coverage.
  4. Investment income: Insurance companies often invest the premiums they collect in various financial instruments. The income generated by these investments can help offset the cost of claims and, in some cases, influence premium rates. Economic conditions that affect investment returns can indirectly affect insurance premiums.

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Implications for consumers

  1. Budget adjustments: For individuals and families, a 4% increase in insurance premiums can have a significant impact on their budgets. It is essential to review your financial plan and make any necessary adjustments to accommodate higher costs. This could include reducing discretionary spending or looking at alternative insurance options.
  2. Price Comparison – With premiums rising, it becomes even more important to compare insurance policy prices. Different insurers may offer different rates for the same coverage. Take the time to compare quotes from multiple providers to ensure you get the best value for your money.
  3. Risk management: Evaluate your risk profile and consider adjusting your coverage if necessary. Increasing deductibles or opting for a higher copay can help lower your premiums. However, keep in mind how these changes may affect your out-of-pocket costs in the event of a claim.
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Implications for companies

  1. Operating costs: Rising insurance premiums can increase a company’s operating expenses. Companies may need to adjust their budgets to account for these increased costs, which could potentially impact pricing and profitability.
  2. Risk Assessment: Reevaluate your risk management strategies. This may involve carrying out a thorough risk assessment to identify areas where you can reduce risk and potentially reduce insurance premiums. Implementing safety measures and investing in employee training can help mitigate risks.
  3. Consult with insurance broker: Consult with your insurance broker to explore options for managing costs. They can provide information on policy adjustments, coverage options, and insurers that may offer more competitive rates.

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Implications for the insurance industry

  1. Profitability: Insurance companies often increase premiums to maintain profitability. However, they must strike a balance between generating revenue and remaining competitive. Excessive premium increases can lead to customer dissatisfaction and lost business.
  2. Customer Retention: The insurance industry’s ability to retain customers will depend on how effectively premium increases are communicated and justified. Transparency about the reasons behind rate increases and efforts to provide value-added services can help retain policyholders.
  3. Innovation: Increasing premiums can stimulate innovation within the insurance industry. Insurers can explore new ways to assess risk, incorporate technology to reduce costs, and create more personalized policies that better align with individual and business needs.


The 4% increase in New Year’s premiums in June has drawn attention to the complex factors that influence insurance costs. While this increase may pose challenges for consumers and businesses, it also underscores the importance of staying informed, comparing options and actively managing risk. As the insurance industry navigates these changes, customers should remain vigilant by reviewing their policies, seeking expert advice, and adapting their financial plans accordingly. Ultimately, a well-informed approach can help individuals and businesses mitigate the impact of rising insurance premiums on their budgets and operations.

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New Year’s premiums increase 4% in June

Does the term insurance premium increase every year?

It can be increased by adding riders or by increasing the sum insured at different stages of life.

Why did the insurance premium increase?

The cost of healthcare services has increased due to factors such as inflation, expensive treatments and procedures.

How is the premium calculated?

The premium rate is calculated by dividing the sum insured by the sum insured.

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