New York Rep. Malliotakis Urges GOP Unity as She Enters Race for Conference Vice President

Staten Island Republican Rep. Nicole Malliotakis is looking to unite the conference if given the chance to be its next vice president, and believes her congressional district has provided the ideal testing ground.

Malliotakis told The Post in an exclusive interview Monday that House Republicans have a winning message on some of the most important issues facing the country, but have lost ground during weeks of infighting after the ouster of then-president Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). .

“Right now we have the advantage of the appropriations process,” he said. “And that’s what made me so frustrated about losing the three weeks that we lost.”

To increase his majority, Malliotakis urged the Republican conference to move forward with “messaging about what unites us” as they are led by newly installed Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), who previously served as vice president. .

Staten Island Republican Rep. Nicole Malliotakis is looking to unite the conference if given the opportunity to be its next vice president.Getty Images

Malliotakis replaced Democratic Rep. Max Rose in 2021 and says he has maintained his seat in New York’s hotly contested 11th District, which also includes parts of Brooklyn, by tirelessly pushing for common-sense policies that most Americans want.

“They want us to address energy independence and reduce energy costs,” he said. “They want us to secure this border, to stop this mass migration that is crushing cities like ours. And it is simply unsustainable and unsafe.”

“They want us to support our law enforcement, crack down on crime, and reduce excessive and wasteful spending so we can address inflation and make this country more affordable for families.”

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Malliotakis told The Post in an exclusive interview Monday that House Republicans had a winning message but lost ground due to infighting before electing Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.).AP

He also highlighted the need to provide more defense funds to Israel and Ukraine amid their ongoing wars, while also monitoring to ensure the funds are used appropriately.

The Biden administration, he said, “should hold classified briefings with us on a regular basis” about Ukraine and have “a strategy in place to make sure we win this war.”

As a former New York state representative and public relations professional, Malliotakis believes she has the ability to convey those points as a communicator for House Republican leadership.

Malliotakis replaced Democratic Rep. Max Rose in 2021 and says he has kept his seat in New York’s hotly contested 11th District by tirelessly pushing for common-sense policies.

Malliotakis served in the state General Assembly for a decade after working in public affairs for former New York Gov. George Pataki.

In an Oct. 25 letter to colleagues, he also emphasized that his district’s location “in New York City’s major media market” was ideal.

“I have played an important role here in New York City in being a contrarian point of view,” Malliotakis also told The Post, contrasting herself with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY ), House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

As a former New York state representative and public relations professional, Malliotakis believes she has the ability to make those points as a communicator for House GOP leadership.Getty Images

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“Thanks to the role I have played in messaging here in New York City, we have been able to flip four assembly seats within my congressional district,” he added. “In 2020, I was the only Republican elected in Brooklyn, and now there are eight of us.”

“We have been able to grow the Republican Party and pick up and flip seats because we are on message. …And I think it is a model that we can share with the rest of the country.”

Malliotakis emphasized that House Republicans had missed the opportunity to tap into that public support during the battle over government funding in September, which was ignored by eight members of his conference.

“I’ve played an important role here in New York City being a contrarian point of view,” Malliotakis told The Post, comparing herself to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), pictured above. AFP via Getty Images Malliotakis said the Biden administration should have a strategy for a Ukraine victory.REUTERS

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and seven other Republican lawmakers ousted McCarthy as speaker after he passed a “clean” government spending bill, known as a continuing resolution, on a bipartisan basis.

But Malliotakis said Republican House members had the option at the time to implement “changes to border security” and cut “overspending” with an earlier resolution that was rejected.

“I think many senators, including some Democrats, see the need to secure the border, and having sent something, I think we would have received something in return that could have been something to celebrate,” he explained. .

“I think many senators, including some Democrats, see the need to secure the border,” Malliotakis said.

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Asked if he would support rule changes around the motion to impeach another House speaker, Malliotakis deferred to Republican leadership.

“I think there needs to be a discussion with the speaker and the leadership team,” he responded. “I personally think it’s not helpful when you can just disrupt the proceedings and force a vote on something without having a plan in place to ensure the vote is successful for the conference.”

Johnson told Fox News last week that “everyone” at the Republican conference also expressed to him the need to change the rule.

Other declared candidates in the vice presidential race include Reps. Mark Alford of Missouri, Stephanie Bice of Oklahoma, Beth Van Duyne of Texas, Michelle Fischbach of Minnesota and Brian Mast of Florida.

The conference will host a candidate forum for the vice president position on Nov. 7, with voting on its candidate taking place the following day.

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