Pedophile Luke Cassidy Arrested on Rape Charges

News of Luke Cassidy’s arrest is going viral on the internet. Everyone is surfing the internet to know more about him. Not only that, everyone is also surfing the internet to find out about the chargers of him. When the public finds out about his arrest, they are all in shock as they find it hard to believe their accusers. In this article, we are going to give the details about it. Not only that, we are also going to give information about his arrest in this article to our readers. Keep reading the article to know more.

Who is Luke Cassidy?

He was arrested when a 12-year-old girl accused him of grooming her on Snapchat. He told authorities that he had sex with her, but said that she had told him that he was 16 years old. Initially, it was a challenge for investigators to collect enough evidence to prove that Cassidy was supervising and instructing the girls. Documentation of 29-year-old Luke Cassidy from the Coventry conviction is available thanks to BBC Two’s Forensics: The Real CSI programme. Investigators say that initially, it was difficult to gather sufficient evidence that Cassidy was training and controlling the girls. But they were able to recover deleted messages and pictures from his phone, which led to his conviction in January.

lucas cassidy

Luke Cassidy, a pedophile from Coventry, was 29 years old when he began physically abusing girls and grooming them. Investigators initially had difficulty finding adequate evidence that Cassidy had influenced and groomed the victims. However, when Cassidy’s phone was inspected, they discovered deleted messages and pictures that ultimately led to his conviction in January. According to information offered to viewers, “Tracking a Pedophile” will appeal to parents, caregivers and guardians concerned about “the dangers their children face online.” The victim’s family gave their permission for the horrific incident to be broadcast tonight (June 6), according to the BBC, and they did so to alert others.

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lucas cassidy

A 12-year-old girl said Luke Cassidy lured her on Snapchat and abused her, leading to her arrest. But even though he admitted to having sex with her to police, he said she told him he was only 16 at the time. Her victim preparation testimony also needed to be verified for prosecution. When the victim informed forensic coordinator Jo Ward that she had been inside Cassidy’s Nissan Juke, police impounded the car first. However, the evidence only showed that Cassidy had sex there; there was no DNA connecting him to the vehicle.

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