Porn producer Michael Lucas signs Israeli rocket and faces boycott by adult film stars

This porn star’s rocket has impacted her career.

A pro-Israel adult film producer says his career is under attack by pro-Palestinian porn stars because he tweeted an image of an Israel Defense Forces missile with his signature.

“Hahaha, I actually asked to write my name down,” Michael Lucas, 51, owner of porn production shop Lucas Entertainment, tweeted on December 17. along with an image of the signed projectile.

The reaction was quick.

“Anyone who thinks writing missile notes is some kind of sick flex is complicit in the murder and genocide of innocent Palestinian civilians,” said Iranian-American porn star Shahrokh Mosavinejad. he told his more than 800,000 followers on X, parroting Hamas propaganda along with the hashtags #boycottmichaellucas #boycottLucasEntertainment.

Many other porn industry notables have made similar calls to get rid of Lucas.

“I don’t want to draw more attention to the post; I find it both sad and reprehensible. For those asking, I will no longer be promoting my work with that studio or accepting future offers to work with them,” Kyle Overton, who goes by Sean Xavier porn. he told his more than 320,000 followers in X.

miguel lucasPorn star Michael Lucas says he will support Israel no matter what the haters say. Mano Martínez

Lucas, who has produced and starred in films such as “La Dolce Vita de Michael Lucas,” has long been a strong supporter of the land of milk and honey. His “Men Of Israel” was the first major adult film to feature an exclusively Jewish cast.

“The people who try to cancel me are nothing more than vile anti-Semites. There is no other explanation for such hatred towards Israelis and such support for people who would murder Jews and homosexuals in the most barbaric ways. “I am not intimidated by this and will not delete the tweet no matter how many threats I continue to receive,” Lucas told The Post from Tel Aviv.

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Lucas has also been a generous donor to Israeli causes, which continued during the country’s war against Hamas.

Tweet by Michael Lucas with an image of a signed IDF missile. This tweet sparked a firestorm among Hamas-friendly porn stars who have vowed to boycott Michael Lucas. MichaelLucasNYC/X

“Michael Lucas, thank you very much for the incredible night we had last night and to you for your generosity. We love you. Thank you very much,” a squad of Israeli Defense Forces soldiers said in a video Lucas shared on his Instagram.

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