Rep. Jamaal Bowman removed emergency exit signs before setting off fire alarm: video

Before Rep. Jamaal Bowman “accidentally” set off a fire alarm and forced the evacuation of a House office building last month, the far-left lawmaker hastily removed two emergency exit signs from nearby doors, they revealed. images published on Thursday.

The 47-year-old Bronx and Westchester Democrat then walked over to the alarm on the nearby wall and pulled on it before turning on his heel and walking away, still holding one of the signs, rather than trying to walk out the door. . he stated he initially.

The video, made public hours after Bowman pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of falsely activating a fire alarm, refutes his version of the Sept. 30 debacle.

“I was trying to get to a door. I thought the alarm would open the door and I set off the fire alarm to open the door by accident,” Bowman said at the time.

“I was just trying to get to my vote and the door that’s normally open wasn’t open, it was closed.”

But the images show the opposite of Bowman’s version of events. As editor of National Review Online Philip Klein put it: “You did not activate the fire alarm to open the door; He tried to open the door to set off the fire alarm.”

Obtained by @NY1: Footage of Rep. Bowman pulling the fire alarm at the Cannon House office building on September 30.

Bowman pleaded guilty in court this morning to “intentionally or knowingly giving a false fire alarm” in DC.

– Kevin Frey (@KevinFreyTV) October 26, 2023

Jamaal Bowman insisted he set off the fire alarm by accident, but pleaded guilty to doing so.AP

Many lawmakers, staffers and reporters who frequent Cannon’s office building were taken aback by Bowman’s initial explanation, noting that the door he was trying to pass through was a clearly marked emergency exit.

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“Emergency exit only!” said the signs removed by Bowman. “Press until the alarm sounds (3 seconds). The door will unlock in 30 seconds.”

Critics were quick to mock Bowman for the new video, with Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) chiding X: “This is what lawyers would call ‘intent.’”

He thought he would open the door, so he walked away after setting off the alarm without even turning towards the door.

– Damín Toell (@damintoell) October 26, 2023

“He thought I was going to open the door, so he walked away after setting off the alarm without even turning toward the door,” attorney Damin Toell sarcastically wrote in X.

“To be clear, he pushed or kicked the door, removed the sign, threw it on the ground and set off the alarm,” said Ellen Carmichael, president of communications firm Lafayette Co. “Just like everyone said he did and the opposite of what which his office said he did. He is a liar and, in addition to the charges to which he pleaded guilty, he should be censured for it.”

“Jamaal Bowman should never again be allowed to be taken seriously in DC.” argued writer and podcast host Jeff Blehar. “There is no point in expelling him, his voters would simply vote for him again and he becomes a popular hero. But this stupid, childish child is beyond respect.”

New footage shows the outspoken Democrat tearing down the signs. Twitter

Immediately after the ordeal, Bowman claimed he had been fighting to get to a vote on legislation to prevent a partial government shutdown.

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At the time, Republicans had just removed a temporary spending patch to keep the government’s lights on until November 17.

Democrats were in a mad race to review the bill for any poison pills. In the end, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) spoke for nearly an hour on the floor to buy time.

Jamaal Bowman initially suggested that he believed pulling the clearly marked fire alarm would open the door. Breitbart News

Bowman acknowledged in his guilty plea that he “intentionally and knowingly” gave a “false fire alarm,” in violation of District of Columbia law.

He also agreed to write a letter of apology to the head of the Capitol Police.

In exchange, D.C. Attorney General Brian Schwalb’s office will dismiss the charge against him in three months if he does not reoffend.

The signs make it clear that the Cannon Building door that Jamaal Bowman approached was an emergency exit. Breitbart News

“I am grateful for the quick resolution of the DC Attorney General’s office on this issue and grateful that the office of the General Counsel of the United States Capitol Police has agreed that I did not obstruct or intend to order any vote or House procedure,” Bowman said in a statement. Wednesday.

“I think we all know that Republicans will try to use this to distract everyone from their mess, but I hope to put this behind us and continue to work hard to deliver for New Yorkers,” Bowman continued.

A spokesperson for the U.S. Capitol Police clarified Wednesday night: “That determination was not made by our general counsel, nor by anyone in our Department. “We sent the thoroughly investigated case to the U.S. Attorney’s Office and prosecutors there did not pursue the matter.”

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Jamaal Bowman has earned a reputation for his boisterous approach to politics.REUTERS

Investigators said they reviewed surveillance footage that showed the lawmaker “running” down a staircase away from the emergency door before “walking at a normal pace” as he exited the building.

Authorities ultimately concluded that there was “probable cause to believe that the defendant intentionally or knowingly raised a false fire alarm in the District of Columbia.”

Some of Bowman’s Democratic colleagues, such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), defended him at the time.

Reporter: “Congressman Bowman obviously went through the arraignment process this morning. I’m curious: a censure resolution has been filed against him. Is what he has done…worthy of censure?

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY): “In my opinion, no.”

– The count (@therecount) October 26, 2023

“He himself admits that he is ashamed. He issued a statement last night and apologized,” AOC told CNN shortly after the controversy broke out.

On Thursday, Jeffries told reporters that he does not believe Bowman deserved censure for his conduct.

Rep. Lisa McClain (R-Mich.) proposes a resolution to reprimand Bowman for his actions. Scandal-plagued Long Island Rep. George Santos (R-NY) is among those backing the effort.

Bowman is expected to return to court for a hearing on Jan. 29, 2024, where his compliance with the agreement will be evaluated and dismissal of the charge will be considered.

Bowman’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the new images.

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