Stealing Chicken Wings: Who is Vera Liddell? Illinois woman arrested

From childhood we are taught that stealing is a sin. Still, theft cases are on the rise. Police authorities take this crime very seriously and punish the culprits.

But still, the cases are not taking the name to stop. We often hear many cases of robbery and theft, but some of them grab our attention instantly, for example, there was a recent case where a woman is accused of stealing food. Now everyone must be thinking that why the case is so hot, the reason is simply that the woman steals the food which is worth $1.5 million.

steal chicken wings

Who is Vera Liddell?

The moment people hear the value of food, they are stunned and rush to know the whole case. A 66-year-old Illinois woman is reportedly claimed to have stolen $1.5 million worth of food. The woman identified as Vera Liddell. Reports indicate that she mainly stole the chicken wings in the last 2 years. It’s pretty shocking to know that she’s been stealing food for the past two years. Now the question is when the authorities find out about this robbery. Other than that, this robbery is now considered a grand “food robbery”.

Reports indicate that this crime came to light after an audit revealed that the school district was thousands of dollars over budget. The felon reportedly placed unofficial orders with the Harvey School District’s main food supplier. The reports indicate that at the time of the crime, Vera was supposedly the director of food services at the public educational institution. She is now behind bars and is facing charges of financial crimes and theft in excess of one million dollars.

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steal chicken wings

The case is in court and according to court documents, the former food services director began stealing food when the coronavirus pandemic was at its height. When the entire world was fighting the deadly disease, this woman was committing a crime. Reports indicate that during the pandemic, children did not physically attend school, but their families took their meals. The documents found that this was the time that Liddell started the robbery and stole $1.5 million worth of food.

The documents shared that the Harvey School District was over budget by around $300,000 despite only half the school year being completed at the time. Later, it emerged that a former worker, who was holding the position of food service manager at the time, was committing the crime and committing major fraud. The accused woman mainly stole chicken wings. This case is now considered a major “food theft.”

Categories: Biography

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