Sydney suburbs overrun with rats and worms in rubbish infestation nightmare

As Sydney’s waste collection problems continue across the city, a local councilor is calling on the public to oppose outsourcing of garbage collection.

Sydney City Council has for years used an independent contractor to manage its waste collection, but strikes and labor shortages throughout 2023, following years of Covid-19-related disruption, have led residents to to the limit.

With some collections delayed for more than four weeks, Labor councilor Linda Scott fears the health and wellbeing of the public will continue to be negatively affected by the continued lack of rubbish collection.

Scott, who currently serves as a Labor Councilor on Sydney City Council and is its former Deputy Mayor, wants Sydneysiders to send a “message” to the Lord Mayor to fix the city’s rubbish crisis before it is too late.

“After years of inaction on the waste crisis, City of Sydney residents are calling for change in 2024,” he said.

Rubbish bins in Sydney are overflowing after collections were long delayed and cancelled. Retrieved by

In a series of recent posts on Facebook, the Labor councilor shares nauseating images of red and yellow bins filled with large bags of rubbish, shoes, clothing and, in some cases, worms emerging from their lids, which do not close.

“Sydney’s streets are dirty and our residents are rightly asking for help in what is now a rat and worm infested public health disaster,” he said.

The original post, shared on a local Erskineville group by a frustrated resident on Gowrie Lane, has attracted more than 80 scathing comments so far.

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Excited community members have begun sharing other places in the city that have also not done trash pickup.

One person in favor of Scott’s petition wrote in a comment on the councilman’s Facebook page: “It’s time to trash Clover.”

Previously, Sydney outsourced its rubbish collection services. Retrieved by

Another wrote: “Same problem last week in Pyrmont where recycling bins were not collected for a fortnight.”

“The streets are infested with vermin and flies,” wrote another.

It’s not just the trash spilling onto the street, littering the sidewalks that is a problem. Concerned locals have also reported an increase in illegal dumping across the city.

“It’s time for a change,” Scott told NCA NewsWire.

“There are no Moore’s worms.”

Residents report seeing rats and maggots in their garbage bins. Retrieved by

When the city decided to outsource the remaining parts of its trash service, Scott said she was the only council member who opposed this change.

“As the only councilor to vote against the privatization of the council’s waste collection, I am devastated to see my warnings come true,” she said.

With many locals taking to the social media platform to express their frustrations and disgust at what their “city has become,” Scott says Clover Moore simply can’t keep up with the city’s needs.

“Clover Moore has certainly changed the face of Sydney and done some good, but after 44 years in office (having been elected when Malcolm Fraser was still Prime Minister) she simply cannot keep up with what is happening.” needs the mayor of Sydney in 2024,” she said.

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NCA NewsWire has contacted Sydney City Council for comment.

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