Trump gains surprising 10-point lead over Biden in new poll

Donald Trump gained an explosive 10-point lead over President Biden in a recent Washington Post and ABC News poll.

The 77-year-old former president defeated the Democrat by 52% to 42% in a hypothetical rematch of the 2020 race, significantly more than Trump’s lead of 49% to 43% during a similar media poll in May.

“Heads are EXPLODING on Jeff Bezos’ Amazon Washington Post as President Trump now leads Biden nationally by 10,” Trump’s senior advisor Jason Miller boasted about X.

During the 2016 election, Trump garnered around 46% support and during 2020, he garnered just 47% support.

Overall, the poll spelled bad news for Biden, as voters were bitter about his handling of the economy, immigration, age and more.

The Biden campaign and administration have boasted about the progress of the so-called “Bidenomy,” but 44% of respondents argued that their financial picture deteriorated under his leadership.

According to the survey, 44% of people believe the economy has gotten worse under Biden.According to the survey, 44% of people believe that the economy has worsened under Biden.Sipa USA

Only 30% view his management of the economy favorably, while 37% approve of his performance in general, compared to 56% who disapprove, according to the survey.

On immigration, Biden’s approval reaches 23%, while 45% strongly disapprove.

Then, a sizeable 74% of voters consider him too old for another term, while about 50% say the same about Trump.

At 80, Biden is already the oldest sitting US president and would be 86 when he finishes a second term.

Only 37% of respondents approved of Biden's job performance.Only 37% of respondents approved of Biden’s job performance. ABC News/Washington Post

Most Americans, including Democrats, have told pollsters that he is too old for another term.

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Trump, who would also be the oldest president in office if he served a second full non-consecutive term, also leads Biden by one point nationally in the latest polling aggregate from RealClearPolitics.

The Washington Post described its own poll as an “outlier,” noting that a large number of polls show a much closer race.

An NBC News poll released Sunday gave Trump and Biden dead even at 46% each. Biden had a 49% to 45% lead over Trump in a June NBC poll.

Some of Trump’s rivals fared better than he did against Biden, such as presidential hopeful Nikki Haley, who edged the incumbent president 46% to 41%, according to the poll released Sunday.

Overall, respondents expressed concerns about both candidates, with 74% concerned about Biden’s age and 62% worried about Trump’s legal dangers.

The NBC poll was conducted Sept. 15-19 among 1,000 registered voters nationwide with a margin of error of 3.1 percentage points.

Both Biden and Trump overwhelmingly lead their respective parties’ primaries to be the standard bearer in 2024.

Some of Trump’s Republican rivals have openly cast doubt on whether he can defeat Biden in the 2024 general election, considering his loss last time.

For example, allies of Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) have cited a WPA intelligence poll showing Biden clearing Trump 45% to 39% if he were convicted of any of the 91 charges of serious crimes he faces in four criminal cases.

A recent Washington Post-ABC News poll found that former President Donald Trump has a 10-point lead over President Biden in a hypothetical rematch of the 2020 presidential election in 2024.A recent poll by the Washington Post and ABC News found that former President Donald Trump has a 10-point lead over President Biden in a hypothetical rematch of the 2020 presidential election in 2024. Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images

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WPA Intelligence CEO Chris Wilson also directs polling and data for the DeSantis-aligned PAC Never Back Down. The PAC did not sponsor that survey.

Trump’s approval rating is also lower than Biden’s in the ABC-Washington Post poll. Forty-eight percent of respondents approve of Trump’s performance in office, compared to 49% who disapprove, according to the survey.

That’s up from 38% approval in January 2021 and 60% disapproval.

Another nugget from the ABC-Washington Post poll is that 40% indicated they would primarily blame Democrats and Biden for a government shutdown, while 33% would blame Republicans.

Trump's approval rating in the poll was 48%.Trump’s approval rating in the survey was 48%.REUTERS/Scott Morgan

This is notable, because historically, an avalanche of polls have shown Republicans to be most to blame for shutdowns in the past.

The ABC-Washington Post poll was conducted Sept. 15-20 among 1,006 adults with a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

It featured a partisan division of 25% Democrats, 25% Republicans and 42% independents.

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