United Nations Day 2023: date, history, how to celebrate it?

United Nations Day: The day of the implementation of the United Nations Charter in 1945 is commemorated every year on October 24 as United Nations Day. The majority of signatories, including the five permanent members of the Security Council, ratified this founding declaration to create the United Nations. Nations. The United Nations was established immediately after World War II to prevent further conflicts of a similar nature and defend global peace and prosperity. Learn more about United Nations Day in 2023 by reading.

It serves as a reminder of the importance of global cooperation and solidarity in addressing the world’s most pressing challenges. The United Nations plays a vital role in promoting peace, security and sustainable development around the world. On this day, various activities and events are organized to raise awareness about the work of the United Nations and its impact on people’s lives. It is a time to reflect on the organization’s achievements and reaffirm our commitment to working together for a better future. .

United Nations Day 2023

On October 24, people around the world celebrate United Nations Day to remember the day the UN was founded on October 24, 1945. As an international body, the United Nations works to promote cordial relations among nations. and promote global peace and security. On United Nations Day, we celebrate the global organization and raise awareness of the good work it does.

Since its founding, the United Nations has been a crucial global platform for resolving difficult issues affecting everyone on the planet. The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed October 24 as United Nations Day after World War II. Learn more about the background and importance of this day here. United Nations Day reminds us that by uniting we can create a more just, peaceful and sustainable world for all

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United Nations Day Overview

Importance of United Nations Day

Most signatories to the charter, including the five permanent members of the Security Council, ratified it on United Nations Day in 1945, making it legally binding. In June 1945, 50 nations met in San Francisco to sign the Charter. There are currently 193 members of Nations. The main objectives of the organization now are:

  • Maintain peace and security at the international level.
  • Foster friendly relations between the nations of the world.
  • achieve global collaboration to address economic, cultural, social or humanitarian challenges.

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United Nations Day 2023 Theme

The organization designates a different theme for States Day each year. To maintain consensus and encourage reflection on the organization’s goals, the festivities focus on the designated theme. The theme of United Nations Day 2023 for this year is “Rebuilding together for peace and prosperity.”

The theme of this year’s USA Day is to instill in people a sense of common duty to maintain peace and prosperity on a global scale. After all, prosperity can only occur if countries continue to view each other with friendship.

The United Nations

In 1945, 51 founding members established an international body known as the United Nations. The organization now has 193 member states, and the goals and values ​​outlined in its founding Charter serve as the organization’s guiding principles. The fundamental objective of founding such an organization was to keep the world in peace and harmony and at the same time avoid another catastrophe like the Second World War. The UN remains the only place on Earth where all nations can meet, debate shared issues and find solutions that benefit all humanity, even though many things have changed over time.

The UN also maintains regional offices in Geneva, Vienna and Nairobi, in addition to its headquarters in New York City. Its official languages ​​are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. The different organs of the UN include the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice and the UN Secretariat.

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To manage various sectors, the UN also has a variety of specialized organizations, such as the World Bank, World Health Organization, UNESCO, UNICEF, World Food Programme, etc.

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History of the observation of United Nations Day

The Charter of the United Nations was developed at a convention attended by 50 nations from around the world on April 24, 1945, which was when United Nations Day was first celebrated. After World War II, the Charter was drafted with the intention of promoting world peace and avoiding future conflicts. Since the ratification of the United Nations Charter on October 24, 1945, this day has been celebrated annually as United Nations Day.

  • The anniversary of this historic international agreement, known as USA Day, is a time to reflect on the past and look toward the challenges ahead.
  • It is an opportunity to remember and consider what the United Nations has done for them and what they can do for their institution.
  • Reminding states of their commitment under the United Nations Charter to “unite our forces to maintain international peace and security” is also appropriate at this time.

There have been wars and battles between states, but it is much more terrible when we realize that those who were also massacred during those times were their fellow humans. Perhaps fewer battles would have occurred if greater emphasis had been placed on intergroup harmony. The purpose of commemorating United Nations Day is to promote world peace and harmony among nations and peoples.

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How is United Nations Day celebrated?

Meetings, conversations and exhibitions around the world highlighting the organization’s achievements and goals commemorate United Nations Day. On United Nations Day, several foreign schools around the world also honor the variety of their student bodies. Along with a gastronomic festival where cuisine from all over the world is offered, cultural events are organized. By learning more about the UN, how it works and what you can do to help, you will be able to commemorate this historic day as an individual. The Act Now campaign and the UN mobile app also give you the means to monitor your influence.

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This day serves as an opportunity to reflect on the achievements and objectives of the United Nations in promoting peace, human rights and sustainable development around the world. The United Nations was founded in 1945 with the mission to maintain international peace and security, promote social progress and better standards of living, and enhance global cooperation. It has played a crucial role in addressing global challenges such as poverty, climate change and conflict, while working to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Frequently asked questions about United Nations Day

Why do we celebrate United Nations Day?

United Nations Day serves as a reminder of the beginning of a new chapter in history. This chapter embraces the principles of equality, peace and cooperation as superior to conflict. It symbolizes humanity’s ability to unite on the basis of common values ​​such as love, justice and peace, and to collectively defend our rights.

Why is October 24 celebrated as the UN?

October 24 is celebrated as United Nations Day because this date marks the date when the United Nations Charter came into force in the year 1945. This Charter was signed by 50 different countries with the aim of maintaining peace global.

Which is celebrated as United Nations Day?

United Nations Day is celebrated on October 24 every year. It marks the official establishment of the United Nations in 1945.

What is the history of the United Nations?

Representatives of 50 countries attending the United Nations Conference on International Organization in San Francisco signed the UN Charter on June 26, 1945. Poland, although not present at the conference, subsequently signed the charter and became one of the 51 original member states of the UN.

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Source: vtt.edu.vn

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