VIDEO: Police are ‘dancing’ on a motorcycle in the middle of the street

A video went viral on various TikTok accounts where two police officers on a motorcycle are seen doing maneuvers while one raises his hands.

The recording was broadcast by the user. musicaymas.02 and you can see how the police go down the street making undulating movements with the motorcycle they were riding on.

What caught the most attention was seeing that, while they were doing the zigzag, the agent behind was flapping his arms.

So much so, that they placed various songs in the video, the most popular were ‘Fumando Mota’, by Los Lara and ‘Pluma Gay’.

“But you do that and they fine you,” “They would have called you fly, fly,” “They are young boys, they just want to enjoy themselves,” are some messages in the video that accumulated more than 600 thousand views.

It should be noted that, according to the National Police, this movement is authorized, carried out by agents when they need space for a car that they are guarding to pass or in an emergency.

Lee: Honduran captain fights with municipal police because they chained his motorcycle

Categories: Trending

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