What is emotional cheating? 3 signs to know if your partner is having an emotional affair

Emotional cheating occurs when a couple exceeds the limits that undermine the primary love relationship.

WHAT exactly is emotional cheating?

If you’re already in a relationship, emotional cheating refers to the entire act of the primary partner relying on one person for emotional support, but someone outside of the relationship. Because it’s not a sexual affair, many people view emotional cheating as micro-cheating. The person on the other side of the relationship may not be a romantic partner, but is someone with whom your partner has a strong emotional bond. Surprisingly, an emotional bond can cross all boundaries, create sexual tension, and do a variety of other things.

What distinguishes emotional infidelity from friendship?

A platonic relationship, on the other hand, is a pure friendship that is known as friendship but devoid of any romantic or sexual anxieties. But emotional cheating requires intense emotional intimacy and closeness. However, a platonic connection should not result in sexual adultery or physical contact, and couples should be emotionally invested in close friends, family, co-workers, and others. Emotional cheating occurs when a couple exceeds the limits that undermine the primary love relationship. When a partner is uncomfortable with the amount of time and attention given to another person, emotional infidelity ensues.

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Why does emotional cheating happen?

Partner who is emotionally unavailable

When you are not emotionally available to your partner, they will almost certainly turn to a third person to communicate, and all this happens only when your partner feels dissatisfied with the relationship and seeks comfort from other people.

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The partner feels disrespected

If the emotional cheater believes that his partner does not appreciate him, he may cheat to get his partner’s attention.

The relationship feels undervalued

Emotional cheating can actually cause harm and make the cheated partner feel very low and small, affecting their mental health and emphasizing the importance of respect and trust in the relationship. There are many people who cheat in relationships simply because they feel unappreciated.

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3 indicators of emotional cheating

They keep things hidden

If your partner texts someone to spend more time with them or specifically with someone, but refuses to tell you who that person is, they may be emotionally cheating on you.

they are far apart

While emotionally cheating, people may separate from their partner, resulting in decreased sexual attraction.

They are not emotionally available

If your partner is emotionally betraying you, you will look to other people for your emotional needs and withhold your primary partner’s feelings due to emotional unavailability.

(Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment.)

Categories: Lifestyle News
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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