Who is Alice Chambers? Australian woman files complaint with London police for wrongful arrest

If you are looking for the Alice Chambers arrest news, this article may help you. In this article, we are going to discuss who Alice Chambers is and why she was arrested by the officers. Alice Chambers’ name has reportedly been trending ever since she was arrested before the King’s coronation. Countless people have been thrown into a frenzy to find out why officials arrested her and what the charges are against her. You’d be surprised what Alice Chambers claimed was the reason for her arrest. Please stay with this page and explore the details of her arrest. Scroll down the page and take a look below.

Alice Chambers

Who is Alice Chambers?

Alice Chambers was reportedly handcuffed, interrogated, physically searched and held in jail for 13 hours. But for what? Alice Chambers is reportedly a Royal superfan and lives in London. However, she is Australian. The Royal superfan reportedly traveled to The Mall alone in an attempt to see Charles during his coronation. But Royal Superfan was arrested and kept in jail for hours. Let’s dive into the details and find out more.

alice chambers arrested

Alice Chambers was reportedly standing next to Just Stop Oil protesters during the King’s coronation. Royal Superfan claimed that she was unaware that she was sitting next to the activists and protesters because they had not started their demonstration. Alice Chambers is an architect by profession and is 36 years old. When the police invaded the group on Saturday, Royal Superfan also got involved in the massacre and was handcuffed. Scroll down the page and read more details.

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Alice Chambers

The officers told him he was in custody on suspicion that he might cause a public disturbance. Alice Chambers stated: “I was arrested before I asked a question. I feel like once I was in the system they didn’t listen. I tried to explain that I was not part of the group. The Royal Superfan was questioned and held in jail for a total of 13 hours. After hours, officers realized they had mistakenly arrested an innocent bystander. Reportedly, MS. Chambers was released from Wandsworth Police Station around 10pm. Keep an eye on this website for further details and updates.

Alice Chambers

Categories: Trending
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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