YouTube begins testing new AI features to enrich the viewing experience

Popular video streaming platform YouTube has revealed its plans to start experimenting with new features powered by artificial intelligence (AI). These innovative tools aim to provide an even more engaging and personalized viewing experience for users. The features will be rolled out slowly over the coming weeks and months to gather feedback.

Conversational AI for personalized recommendations and question answers

The first feature is a smart conversation assistant that can interact with viewers while watching videos. Powered by large language models that analyze YouTube’s vast content library, it can understand user questions in natural language. Viewers can request recommendations for other videos to watch related to what they are currently watching. AI can suggest relevant content taking into account the user’s interests.

This creates a more interactive and personalized viewing session. Queries can be made without interrupting video playback. The AI ​​assistant provides a new way for users to explore topics in greater depth and discover new content tailored to their tastes. Initial availability is for YouTube Premium subscribers in the US via the YouTube app for Android. Additionally, you can also read about: Apple CEO Highlights Existing AI Features, Confirms Work on Generative AI

YouTube will also begin testing the use of AI to analyze and summarize key topics discussed in the comments section of a video. This gives viewers a quick overview of the sentiment and variety of opinions shared rather than having to sift through all the comments manually. Video creators can take advantage of summaries to better understand their audience’s comments and interests.

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AI identifies main topics and groups comments into summary topics. Creators can also remove any unwanted theme groups. For now, this is limited to English comments on a small subset of videos.

Continuous experimentation to refine AI functions

YouTube reiterates that these features are still experimental and in an early stage of development. The company will use insights from initial testing to improve the AI ​​and functionality over time. The goal is to eventually expand availability and roll it out more widely if the new tools successfully improve the user experience of the YouTube platform.

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