American Airlines traveler furious at company’s response after drunk passenger vomited on her luggage

An American Airlines passenger says she was horrified when a fellow traveler vomited all over her suitcases, but what she really couldn’t stand was the airline’s indifferent response.

Nicole Schreib was traveling on the second leg of a trip from Buffalo to Miami on Nov. 30 when the alleged culprit sat in the seat in front of her, she told Business Insider.

“She slurs her words and can barely speak. This woman should not be on this plane. Honestly, she was worried,” explained Schreib, who was traveling with her fiancé.

He first encountered the woman and two other people in Laguardia’s bathroom during his stopover, he said.

“Two of them were walking arm in arm, tripping over each other drunk, and they ran into me in the bathroom. It was crazy because it was 7:30 in the morning,” Schreib said. “You don’t expect that at that moment.”

After the flight took off, Schreib noticed that the two men sitting with the drunk woman had moved seats.

Nicole Schreib was traveling with American Airlines on November 30.

“Then I smelled an unpleasant smell. I thought, ‘Oh God, he must be getting sick,’” she continued.

But it was only as the plane was landing that Schreib grabbed the duffel bag and the purse she kept under the seat in front of her and realized they were both covered in the woman’s vomit.

“I couldn’t believe the amount,” Schreib lamented, noting that he didn’t take photos of the mess in his rush to clean up.

@AmericanAir I allowed this drunk and verbally abusive woman to get on my flight despite removing one of her friends. Here she calls the two men in her hallway “pussies” before vomiting on the floor and on my suitcases; all they offered as compensation was a $50 credit. #americanaairfail

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-Nicole Schreib (@NicoleSchreib1) December 4, 2023

“You get a little scared when someone else’s vomit is on your belongings.”

When he asked airline staff about what happened, a flight attendant allegedly told him “they can’t do anything about it.” They are bodily fluids and we can’t touch them,’” Schreib said.

A few days later, Schreib – who describes herself in [and] feminist” – emailed American Airlines, but was disappointed by the company’s lackluster response.

“I’m sorry to hear that another passenger damaged your property. While I can certainly understand his frustration with the situation, unintentional things can happen and they do happen in public spaces,” the email said, according to Business Insider.

Schreib was traveling to Miami with her fiancé when the incident occurred.

“While it is unfortunate that you were involved in this situation, we cannot take responsibility for the actions of another individual,” he concluded.

Schreib told the outlet that it was “surprising” to receive a response “within an hour.”

“But what was even more surprising was that they took no responsibility for this,” he said.

After some backlash, American Airlines gave Schreib a $50 voucher, which infuriated her so much that she shared a video of the ordeal with the hashtag #americanairfail.

“@AmericanAir allowed this drunk and verbally abusive woman to get on my flight despite removing one of her friends. Here she calls the two men in her hallway “pussies” before vomiting on the floor and on my suitcases; a $50 credit is all they offered as compensation,” the upset post read.

The intoxicated woman was apparently belligerent toward her seatmates. X / @NicoleSchreib1

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The 20-second clip is mostly obscured by engine noise, but what appears to be a woman with long hair and her feet propped up on the plane’s wall can be seen.

The airline responded to Schreib’s video by advising him to request a review of his initial claim.

“We strive to provide a positive travel experience for all of our customers, and a member of our team reached out for more information,” American Airlines told The Post in a statement Tuesday morning.

Schreib said he hasn’t heard from them since.

“It’s not about money. It was about taking some responsibility and apologizing for what happened,” he told Business Insider.

But travel expert Katy Nastro thinks American could be let off the hook.

“When you fly with an airline, you are agreeing to their contract of carriage, which is basically an agreement between you and the airlines based on the fact that you purchased a ticket,” Nastro told the outlet.

“It should be the airline’s responsibility to deal with this erratic passenger upon boarding, but it is unclear whether the cleanliness factor is warranted,” he continued.

“A basic level of cleanliness, sure, but if another passenger spills a drink, or in this case gets sick and invades the other passengers’ space, to my knowledge there is nothing in the American Airlines contract of carriage that promises nothing in return. .”

Schreib, for his part, said he will think twice before traveling with American Airlines in the future and will “certainly bring a waterproof bag” on all future flights.

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