Is the closure of Ehailing? Drivers and owners go on strike over exposure to crime

Drivers and owners of e-hailing services are planning a walkout on Monday to protest low commissions and problematic exposure to life-threatening crime at drop-off and pick-up locations. According to the Soweto e-hailing organization, which speaks on behalf of these drivers and owners collectively, the companies have refused to engage in constructive dialogue, forcing them to resort to tough action. The problem of low commissions is one of the main complaints of e-hailing drivers and owners. They argue that the current commission rates imposed by e-hailing companies are unfair and exploitative despite working long hours and handling difficult traffic.

call closure

Is the closure of Ehailing?

They claim that due to low commissions, it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to support their families and earn a reasonable living. Another pressing issue that has pushed drivers and owners over the edge is the increasing exposure to life-threatening crime at drop-off and pickup locations. These exposed areas have become centers of criminal activity, with motorists being victims of muggings, robberies and even more serious crimes. These drivers now want quick action, as the lack of proper safety precautions offered by e-hailing companies has made the dangers they face much worse.

According to the Soweto e-hailing organization, attempts to have a productive conversation with e-hailing companies have been met with resistance and drivers’ concerns have not been adequately addressed. Owners and drivers feel abandoned and ignored due to this supposed unwillingness to establish common ground. They have decided to stage a lockdown to raise awareness of their situation and demand fair treatment after being discouraged by this lack of progress.

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E-hailing companies must work in collaboration with law enforcement organizations to create comprehensive security measures that protect both drivers and passengers. Increased security presence at drop-off and pickup locations, improved driver selection procedures, and updated emergency response systems are just a few examples of these policies. In reaction to unfair commission rates and exposure to life-threatening crime, e-hailing drivers and owners have announced their intention to close their businesses. This underscores the urgent need for action. To resolve these issues and strive to establish a safer and more equitable environment for all stakeholders, e-hailing companies, governments, and society as a whole must collaborate. By doing this, we can ensure that e-hailing services continue to offer a valuable and environmentally friendly transport option, while also defending the lives and livelihoods of the people who support the growth of this sector. Stay tuned for pkb news.

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