Police seize civilian’s bicycle and attack drug dealer in wild street chase: video

Wild footage from the UK shows a police officer commandeering a civilian’s bicycle to locate and tackle a drug dealer who was in possession of a stash of drugs disguised as sweets.

“This incident was an example of old-fashioned policing where our officers and members of the public worked together to arrest a man whose actions were a blight on the community,” said Detective Inspector Beth Warren, of Northamptonshire Police. , about the dramatic images. according to SWNS News.

The scene unfolded on August 23 in Northampton, after police received a call from a member of the public that a man, later identified as Sean Prosser, 28, had carried out a drug deal.

Police officer Lewis Marks sprang into action and pursued Prosser from his police vehicle, as the video shows.

Prosser was seen riding his bicycle and turned into Beckets Park, forcing the officer to jump out of his car and pursue the suspect on foot.

Marks then saw a civilian on his own mountain bike and asked to take it.

“Can we lend you your bike? Can we lend you your bicycle? Thank you,” Marks is heard saying in the images.

The wild video shows the police officer racing the mountain bike through the park and city streets until he catches up with Prosser and attacks him.

Sean Prosser, 28, was arrested and charged with drug offenses in the United Kingdom. Northamptonshire Police/SWNS

“Oh! My head. I haven’t done anything,” Prosser is heard saying in the images while the two fight on the ground.

Marks handcuffed the man and radioed his colleagues that he “attacked [Prosser] get off your bike.”

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“I’m going to return this bike to its owner. “I snatched it from a member of the public,” he added.

Police officer Lewis Marks hops on a bike to track down a drug dealer. Northamptonshire Police/SWNS

The video shows the officer riding his bike back to the park, where he meets the bike’s owner and thanks him for lending him the mountain bike.

“Dude, I caught him, I wouldn’t have caught him without your help,” he tells the man as they shake hands.

Prosser was detained and found to be in possession of a large sum of cash and a phone containing text messages related to drug deals, according to SWNS.

Police officer Lewis Marks handcuffs the suspect. Northamptonshire Police/SWNS

Police also found a Kinder egg candy toy containing heroin and crack cocaine.

He was charged with two counts of possession with intent to supply Class A drugs, escaping from lawful custody, acquiring/using/possessing criminal property, being concerned in the supply of cocaine and being concerned in the supply of heroin.

He pleaded guilty earlier this month and was sentenced to more than three years behind bars, according to SWNS.

Police officer Lewis Marks shakes hands with a civilian who lent him his bike to track down a drug dealer. Northamptonshire Police/SWNS Police at the scene of the arrest. Northamptonshire Police/SWNS

“PC Marks’ quick thinking ensured that Prosser was quickly arrested and I would also like to take the opportunity to thank the public who lent us their bike,” Inspector Warren of Northamptonshire Police added of the officer’s actions, according to SWNS .

“Tackling drug harm is a priority for Northamptonshire Police and I hope this case demonstrates how quickly we act on community intelligence to make our city a more pleasant place to live.”

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Source: vtt.edu.vn

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