World Day of Older Persons 2023: Theme, History, Importance, Celebration

World Day of Older Persons: Every year, people from one side of the planet to the other celebrate World Day of Older Persons on October 1. The day celebrates and values ​​each of the older residents around the planet and recognizes their commitments to our general public. Additionally, it emphasizes educating the general public about the opportunities and challenges presented by an aging population. Also called World Day of Older Persons, the General Party of the Unified Countries established October 1 as World Day of Older Persons on December 14, 1990.

It is a time to honor and celebrate the contributions older adults have made to society and recognize the challenges they may face as they age. On this day, various organizations and communities come together to organize events and activities that promote healthy aging, provide support services, and advocate for the rights of older adults. It is an opportunity to show appreciation for the wisdom, experience and resilience of our seniors, while highlighting the need for social inclusion and accessible healthcare for all seniors.

World Day of Older Persons 2023

World Older Persons Day is a unique day for more established people or elderly residents around the world. In many countries, lawmakers give speeches, especially those in charge of government divisions that focus on older residents, during this season. Some radio, television or newspapers distribute interviews with older residents on different topics, for example, the achievements they made to build a better society.

Other events associated with this day include: limited-time World People’s Day material presentations in schools, tertiary foundations, places of business and public notice uploads; statements in the media about the day and exercises that advance the most experienced; In addition, between generational collaborations in voluntary exercises focused on climate, well-being, training or local administrations.

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Summaries of World Day of Older Persons 2023

Importance of World Day of Older Persons

The number of older people in the world has increased significantly and is expected to double in the coming decades. This population is expected to reach 1.5 billion by 2050, with the fastest growth occurring in less developed countries. This will affect virtually all sectors of society and, consequently, it is important to focus on the problems related to the most experienced people. The great objective of this extraordinary day is to help families, networks and associations face the challenges that more experienced people face, such as medical conditions, social problems, monetary weaknesses, etc.

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History of World Day of Older Persons

Senior Citizens’ Day dates back many years, to 1990, when the General Assembly of the Unified Countries voted to assign the day to October 1st. Since then, the day has been celebrated annually with the support of the World Health Organization (WHO) with the intention of raising public awareness about the challenges and opportunities faced by older people, as well as their families and support networks.

Each year, another theme is chosen that encourages people to focus on a specific perspective that influences more established people and their networks. In the past, topics have included concepts such as: The journey towards age equality, the resilience and contribution of older women and the resilience of older people in a changing world.

Celebrate International Day of Older Persons to show appreciation to people who have lived a long life and accumulated great experience. Additionally, there are a number of holidays throughout the year that encourage people to celebrate those who are of a specific age, such as Old Brave Day, National Beautiful Grandma Day, and others.

United Nations Decade for Healthy Aging

The current ten years, for example from 2021 to 2030, have been proclaimed as the Ten Years of Solid Maturation of the Unified Countries. Aligned with the most recent decade of Reasonable Improvement Objectives, it is a joint global effort to work on the lives of more established people, their families and the networks where they live.

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Theme of World Day of Older Persons 2023

An interesting theme is always chosen to celebrate World Older Persons Day. The following table shows the theme of World Older Persons Day in recent years. The theme for 2023 is “Meeting the Commitments of the Comprehensive Announcement of Common Freedoms for Older Persons: Across the Ages.”

Year Issue
2022 Resilience of older people in a changing world
2021 Digital equity for all ages
2020 Pandemics: Do they change the way we approach age and aging?
2019 The journey towards age equality
2018 Celebrating older human rights defenders

How to celebrate the International Day of Older Persons?

Create great memories, gain tons of useful knowledge, and help someone in the process by celebrating Senior Citizens’ Day. Start with a portion of these thoughts to note the day:

Spending time with an older person

Do you have a grandparent, aunt, uncle or neighbor who sometimes needs a little help to accomplish some endeavors? Obviously, visiting them can and should be done at any time of the year. In any case, it would be great to mention the International Day of Older Persons as another sign of its importance. You can simply sit with them for a while to keep them company or check on them to see if they need help.

Many people don’t remember how much information more experienced people can be at the point where they are allowed to tell their stories, share experiences, and basically be heard. It’s like removing a page from living history! So tune in, learn and wish the day with them.

In fact, even people who essentially have no more established and penniless people in their own lives can participate in Seniors and Seniors Day by using it as an inspiration to constantly contribute. Many public places that especially serve elderly residents, as well as nursing homes, retirement homes, and assisted living offices, can use volunteers to help with different errands.

From helping with planting to playing music and teaching an art class, more often than not there are numerous potential opportunities to brighten the day of more established people on a consistent basis. In the US, some of the causes that address matches in finding places to contribute include the Senior Partners program, the Senior Colleagues program, or the Public Committee on Aging.

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World Older Persons Day is an important occasion that highlights the contributions and challenges faced by the elderly population around the world. It serves as a reminder to society about the importance of respecting and valuing our seniors. This day provides an opportunity to raise awareness about issues such as healthcare, social isolation and ageism, while celebrating the wisdom and experience that older people bring to our communities. It is a time to recognize their achievements and advocate for policies that promote their well-being and inclusion in all aspects of life. World Older Persons’ Day reminds us that we have a responsibility to ensure that our aging population receives the support, care and respect they deserve.

Frequently asked questions about World Older Persons Day

How do we celebrate Seniors’ Day?

Show your genuine affection for your senior loved one by hosting a celebration that revolves entirely around them! By throwing a party in their honor, you can make them feel loved and appreciated, which can have a profound impact on their self-esteem. Extend invitations to all your friends and family, and if you have several people you want to thank, you could even turn it into a festive, festival-like occasion.

Why is World Older Persons Day celebrated?

The International Day of Older Persons was first celebrated on October 1, 1991. The day is celebrated annually to recognize the contributions of older persons and examine issues affecting their lives.

What is the meaning of Elderly Day?

Resolution 45/106 was approved by the United Nations General Assembly on December 14, 1990, designating October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons. This important day was first celebrated on October 1, 1991. The United Nations Program on Aging and several older people’s organizations prioritize this celebration.

Who started the International Day of Older Persons?

On December 14, 1990, the United Nations General Assembly designated October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons (resolution 45/106).

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