World Prematurity Day: 5 ways to care for your premature baby at home

World Prematurity Day is a reminder of the challenges faced by premature babies and their families. As medical advances continue to improve survival rates for premature babies, the path of caring for a premature baby often goes beyond the hospital. Breastfeeding a premature baby in the comfort of your home requires special care and attention. In this article, we will explore five key strategies to create the perfect environment for your premature baby’s growth and development.

1. Cultivate a calm and serene home environment

Premature babies often experience increased sensitivity to any external stimulus, so it is important to guarantee them a calm environment to ensure their well-being and healthy development. Dedicate an exclusive spare part in your home where external noises and disturbances can be minimized and blocked. Make sure this unique space is very softly lit and painted in muted colors to create as relaxing an atmosphere as possible. Avoid exposure to bright lights and loud sounds so that your baby never feels overwhelmed as their sensory systems are very delicate at this stage.


Investing in a white noise machine has been shown to be extremely beneficial in masking external sounds, providing a constant, soothing background noise that mimics the environment of the womb, where babies are surrounded by the soft, rhythmic sound of the heart’s heartbeat. mother’s heart

2. Adopt kangaroo care

Kangaroo care, or skin-to-skin contact, is a very powerful method to promote the physical and emotional development of your premature baby. All you need to do is hold your baby against your bare chest, allowing him to absorb the warmth and comfort of your skin. The practice helps regulate your baby’s body temperature and also fosters a feeling of security and closeness.

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Be sure to start skin-to-skin sessions regularly and gradually increase the duration as your baby becomes more accustomed to the experience. This close connection allows for a strong bond between parent and child and contributes to the overall well-being of your premature baby.

World Prematurity Day

3. Employ gentle feeding techniques

A premature baby needs to be fed carefully, which requires a careful approach that requires time and concentration. Because premature babies often struggle with underdeveloped sucking and swallowing reflexes, breastfeeding or bottle feeding becomes more difficult. Work with your healthcare provider to determine the best feeding plan based on your baby’s individual needs.

If direct latching is difficult while breastfeeding, consider using a breast pump to express milk. This meets your baby’s feeding needs while ensuring the supply of vital nutrients found in breast milk. It may be necessary to use special nipples made for premature babies during bottle feeding to ensure a slow, regulated flow of milk.

It’s important to feed your baby carefully, paying attention to his cues and taking breaks if you notice he’s getting tired. Mealtime should be a calm, loving process that promotes healthy associations with food.

4. Monitor development milestones

Since premature babies often reach developmental milestones at their own pace, it’s important to pay attention to their unique needs. Pay close attention to the development of your baby’s motor and cognitive skills and growth. Be sure to prioritize routine scheduled visits with your pediatrician so you can ask any questions or express any concerns you may have.

To strengthen your baby’s neck and upper body muscles, encourage short periods of tummy time. Continue to gradually increase the duration as your baby becomes more accustomed to this routine. Use age-appropriate toys and activities to facilitate curiosity and encourage sensory exploration.

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Be patient and celebrate each small achievement, recognizing that premature babies may need more time to reach certain milestones. Additionally, early intervention services, such as physical or occupational therapy, may be beneficial in supporting your baby’s development and addressing potential challenges.

World Prematurity Day

5. Establish a consistent routine

Formulate and practice a consistent daily routine to leave room for your premature baby’s stability. This will help foster a sense of security and grounding for you and your baby. Establish a regular schedule for feeding, sleeping and playing, customizing it to your baby’s individual needs and preferences. Consistency in routine contributes to the cultivation of healthy sleep patterns and helps regulate your baby’s biological clock.

Ensure open and easy communication with your baby’s healthcare team. This allows for alignment between your routine and your baby’s developmental milestones and any specific medical recommendations. As your preemie grows, remain adaptable and make adjustments to your routine as needed to best suit your baby’s changing needs.


Caring for a premature baby at home is a matter of a mixture of love, patience and special attention. Creating a peaceful atmosphere, trying kangaroo care, using gentle feeding methods, keeping an eye on developmental milestones, and following a regular routine are all steps that help build a solid foundation for your little one’s growth and happiness.

As we mark World Prematurity Day, take a moment to appreciate the incredible resilience and strength of premature babies and their families. It is a reminder of how crucial ongoing support and care are to nurturing these precious beginnings.

About the author: Dr. Devi Prasadh PM is a Neonatologist and Consultant Pediatrician, MBBS, MD, DM Neonatology, Rainbow Children’s Hospital, Sholinganallur. All views/opinions expressed in the article are those of the author.

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Categories: Tips & Tricks

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