How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft? [The Ultimate Guide 2023]

Many people want to know how to find diamonds in Minecraft and what to do. Diamonds are one of the most wanted items in Minecraft because they can be used to make tools, movie weapons, and armor made of diamond and nephrite. Along with emeralds, lapis lazuli, and ancient debris, diamonds are also one of the rarest ores in Minecraft. This makes it very hard to find diamonds and severely limits a player’s diamond supply. This guide is for players who want to learn how to find diamonds in Minecraft, keep, and grow their diamond supply.

When going down to the deepest part of the underground (levels 10 to 12 are the best in versions 1.17 and earlier; in versions 1.18 and later, levels -58 and -59 are the best), the player needs an iron, diamond, or nephrite pickaxe to mine diamonds (it’s a good idea to bring two or more, in case one break), food, and some torches to keep mobs from spawning. Also recommended is a water bucket to turn lava into obsidian and remove the burning status from falling into lava, a crafting table to make mineral blocks and furnaces, a sword to fight off mobs, a shovel to remove dirt and gravel, and armor to reduce damage from lava and monsters.

For good smelting, players can use a bucket to store lava or lava from nearby lava pools. If the bucket has water in it, the water needs to be put in a hole before the smelting can begin. You can also mine a lava pool with a water bucket.

The average number of diamonds you can get from ore with a pickaxe with the Fortune enchantment depends on the level. For example, a Fortune III pickaxe can get an average of 2.2 (and up to 4) diamonds per ore. Let’s get into the path of how to find diamonds in Minecraft.

What is a Diamond in Minecraft?

What is a Diamond in Minecraft?

In Minecraft, a diamond is a rare item that can be found in diamond ore or loot chests.

Diamonds are one of the most-wanted materials in Minecraft, and they’re pretty hard to find, just like Netherite, which is one level up.

Diamond is one of the rarest ores in Minecraft. It is used to make tools, weapons, and armor, along with ancient debris, lapis lazuli, and emeralds.

It can also help you make your tools and gear stronger by making them into nephrite.

Given how long-lasting and useful they are, diamonds are very hard to find, and they use up a lot of a player’s diamonds very quickly during gameplay.

Since they are strong, they are often used to make high-quality tools. You can also use these materials to make armor that is very strong, enchanting tables, diamond blocks, and jukeboxes.

What Are Minecraft Diamonds and What Can I Use Them For?

Even though diamonds are hard to find in Minecraft. If you think about how to find diamonds in Minecraft. There are many ways to get your hands on these valuable gems. Some of these methods can be used as soon as you start a new world, while others need a little bit of planning.

Here we are presenting massive ways how to find diamonds in Minecraft:

Mine It:

This may seem like the most obvious way to find diamonds in Minecraft, but it’s actually the best way. Diamond ore can be found deep underground in all biomes. If you’re lucky, veins of ore can grow up to 10 blocks long.

Nether Fortress:

You will need to find a Nether Fortress once you have built an obsidian portal to the Nether. A Nether Fortress is a big, dark, two-part building made of red bricks. Either there is no ceiling on the outside of the ceiling is made of Netherrack. To find diamonds in this area, you need to find a single block of lava that marks the inside of the fortress. When you get in, look around and look in chests for diamonds.


You will need some luck to find diamonds in a shipwreck in Minecraft. Build a boat and find the ocean as your first step. Then you’ll have to sail around and dive into murky depths to find shipwrecks with underwater chests. On icebergs, it is also possible to find shipwrecks that may have maps of buried treasures.

Buried treasure:

Treasure can be found with the help of maps that can be found in Minecraft. The buried treasure can be found under sand, gravel, or water. You can get maps from shipwrecks or underwater ruins, or you can buy them from a cartographer.

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Mineshafts: If you go spelunking, you might find an old mineshaft. There is a chance that these chests hold diamonds.


Some structures that are made at random can have diamonds inside. In chests in both the desert temple and the jungle temple, there is a chance of getting between one and three diamonds. The Woodland Mansion is in the dark forest biome. It may have a room with a solid block of diamond in it. This block can appear in either the lava or obsidian secret rooms. Visit the official wiki to find out more about the house.

End City:

Getting to the End City means you have to kill the Ender Dragon. You will find the best items in the game in this biome. In this area, chests drop diamonds and diamond-enchanted items like chest plates, swords, and pickaxes.


Villages are an easy way to get one to three diamonds without having to go out and look for them. You can find diamonds in either the chest of the weaponsmith or the chest of the toolsmith. If you don’t know what the right buildings look like, look for the toolsmith’s smithing table or the weaponsmith’s grindstone.

Bastion Remnant:

A building that was added in Minecraft version 1.16 and can only be found in the Nether. This building may have a treasure room with diamonds, diamond items with magic, and normal diamond items like pickaxes.

Minecraft Diamonds Finder

Are you looking for ways how to find diamonds in Minecraft? You can find diamonds in these Minecraft loot chests, as well as in diamond ores, without having to dig all the way to Middle-earth.

  • Shipwreck treasure
  • Stronghold altar chests
  • Village chests
  • Fortress chests
  • Jungle temple chests
  • Desert temple chests
  • Mineshafts
  • Buried treasure
  • End city chests

Minecraft Diamonds Crafting

Diamond tools and armor are the most durable tools and parts of armor in Minecraft. It is also needed to make enchantment tables, which are used to add powerful Minecraft enchantments to your weapons and armor.

Here is a list of all the things you can make with diamonds in Minecraft:

  • Block of diamond
  • Diamond Axe
  • Diamond boots
  • Enchantment table
  • Diamond chest plate
  • Diamond helmet
  • Firework star
  • Diamond hoe
  • Diamond leggings
  • Jukebox
  • Diamond pickaxe
  • Diamond sword

You can also use a Minecraft anvil and diamonds to fix your favorite pair of diamond boots if you broke them.

How to Mine Diamonds in Minecraft?

Before you go on your adventure for looking at how to find diamonds in Minecraft, you should make sure you have the right gear. You’ll need an Iron or Diamond Pickaxe to Mine a Diamond. If you use a Wood, Stone, or GoldPickaxe, you’ll just mine through Diamond Ore without making any Diamonds. How stupid!

So, you can do what’s written below.

  • Go to Y=12 and start strip mining like you usually do, but this time add something new.
  • Walk three blocks forward into your strip mine, turn left, and mine as far into the wall as you can without breaking the bottom part of the wall.
  • Then do it on your right, strip mine three more blocks, and so on.

For me, the easiest way to find diamonds is to only mine 5 and leave the rest. It might sound like it would take a long time, but it doesn’t. I used this method to get 43 diamonds in 20 minutes.

Make a diamond pickaxe and a beautiful table. Then, use the magical table to make your diamond pickaxe luckier. If fortune doesn’t show up on the enchanting table, try enchanting a random book at level 1 and then check again.

Then, use your new fortune pickaxe to mine the diamonds you left earlier. And boom, you may have doubled them, as well as the chance of getting more diamonds.

At the very least, a pickaxe made of iron is needed to mine for diamonds. So, when players find diamonds, they should make sure they have an iron pickaxe with them.

So, have you tried any of the things we told you to do? What happened to you? Were there any diamonds? Please tell us what you think in the section below.

How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft?

If you have a Diamond or Iron Pickaxe and a lot of Torches, it’s time to look for Diamonds. These are the different ways to find diamonds and diamond ore in Minecraft. For example, you can explore caves, find the diamond level, or look in chests.

Here is a full list of all the ways how to find diamonds in Minecraft:

Find Diamond Level – Head to Layer 12

Diamond Ore is often found between layers 5 and 16, but most of it is on layer 12. Check the Y value on your map (F3 on PC or FN + F3 on Mac) to see what layer you’re on. It can be found in veins that are as big as 8 Ore blocks. Between layers 4 and 10, lava often shows up. Stay above these layers to keep yourself safe. This way, you’ll be more likely to find Diamonds and less likely to get burnștiit.

In short, most of Minecraft’s diamonds are in layer 12, but you need to keep an eye out for lava.

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Explore caves

Exploring cave systems is a good way to find diamonds that is also fun. Caves can be really big sometimes, and it’s easy to find DiamondOre when there’s so much light. If there is a lot of lava in the way, you might want to use a water bucket to clear a path.

Use the Staircase Method

Since you shouldn’t mine straight down in Minecraft, the staircase method is a great and safe way to get to the deepest parts of the world. It is exactly what it sounds like: you dig down at a 45-degree angle, leaving a staircase pattern behind you. With each step, dig one more block into the ground. You can get back to the surface by just jumping your way back up.știi.știi. The staircase goes over a lot of ground and is a common way to find Diamonds and other minerals.

Use the Branch Mining Method

Branch mining is a great way to find diamonds. To do this, you have to cover a lot of ground by building a 2×2 tunnel and then digging “branches” off of it every third block. By doing this, you can quickly cover a lot of ground without breaking any blocks you don’t need to.

Use the Strip Mining Method

It’s not nearly as fun as it sounds to strip mine. It means digging through everything to find rare Ore. To strip mine, get to the right layer (1-16 if you’re looking for diamonds) and dig a box around yourself. This will leave you in the middle with a cube of blocks. Just dig it out to make a big open space. This way, you’re sure to find what you’re looking for, but it takes a long time. You’ll also get a lot of building materials, especially cobblestone, and a big space to build in.

Look in Chests in Abandoned Mine Shafts and Villages

If you’re really lucky, you can find diamonds in abandoned mine shafts or villages in chests. Don’t count on chests to help you find diamonds because this doesn’t happen very often.

Other Tips and Tricks for Finding Diamonds

  • Don’t get too excited and mine Diamond Ore too quickly. First, make sure you look at the blocks around it. If you don’t, a Lava flow could catch you by surprise and cause you to lose your treasure or, worse, your life.
  • Bring a lot of torches at all times. Mining is a very dark job. Bring the right tools if you want to make sure you can see.
  • Diamonds are not always in lava. A lot of players think that Lava is where they can find rare ore, but that’s not true. Because Diamonds and Lava are often found in the same places, there is often a crossover.
  • Even though these are great tips, Minecraft has a lot more to offer. Try coming up with your own ways to mine for diamonds!

How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.18?

How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.18

The way Minecraft makes its worlds changed in important ways in version 1.18. If you have Minecraft version 1.18 or higher, you can go below Y-Level 0 and into negative numbers. Below Y-Level 0, you’ll find all the usual ores, including diamonds, in Deepslate blocks instead of Stone blocks.

To find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.18, you have to dig down between Y-Level 15 and Y-Level -63. To increase your chances of finding Diamonds, go as far down as you can before hitting bedrock.

See the graph of ore distributions below for information on where you can find the most Diamonds and other resources in Minecraft 1.18:

As you can see, the 1.18 update changed the way ores appear in Minecraft in a big way. Each ore’s location is shown by a bar that gets thicker or thinner at different Y-Levels.

Diamond’s formula is pretty easy to understand. It starts to generate at Y=15, and the number of times it generates goes up linearly as you go down. In 1.18, the placement of diamonds is also affected by what Mojang calls “reduced air exposure.” This means that when the world is being made if a Diamond is about to be placed next to an open-air block, it might not spawn. 

So, to quickly find diamonds, go as far down as you can until you hit bedrock, and then start strip-mining!

Hit F3 to bring up the coordinates display and see what Y-Level you’re on. The level of your bottom half is shown by the second number next to “XYZ.”

Even though they aren’t as strong as Netherite tools, you need Diamond tools to move forward in any world or Minecraft server. Just be on the lookout for the Warden when The Wild Update comes out.

How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.17

If you’re still playing Minecraft 1.17 or earlier, you can find Diamond Ore in every Overworld biome between Y-levels 1 and 15. Most Diamonds appear between levels 5 and 12, so if you want to find the most Diamonds, stay between these two levels.

No matter which version of Minecraft you play, diamonds will always appear in small veins of up to 9 blocks. Very rarely, you’ll find larger veins made up of multiple veins that touch each other. So even at the right levels, Diamonds are hard to find.

The Best Method for Mining Diamonds in Minecraft

You can only mine Diamond Ore with an Iron Pickaxe or a better one. Since Minecraft version 1.18, diamonds are much less likely to be found in open spaces like caves. If you want to know how to find diamonds in Minecraft, you should strip mine in straight lines in all directions.

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In Minecraft 1.18, the best way to mine diamonds is to dig down to level -57 and then dig a long tunnel that is 2 blocks tall in any direction. Then start digging more 2×1 tunnels to the sides, leaving 2 blocks between each new tunnel.

Once you’re sure you’ve found all of the Diamonds on that level by strip-mining, start over at level -53. If you dig in this way at both levels -57 and level -53, you’ll be able to see all Diamonds that appear between levels -58 and -51. This gives you the most Diamonds and keeps you from running into Bedrock blocks that could slow down your strip-mining progress.

If you’re playing Minecraft 1.17 or earlier, you can use this same method with levels 6 and 10.

It’s a good idea to keep a Water Bucket on you when you’re mining at these levels because there are often small pools of lava. Remember to bring a lot of torches to light your way and keep mobs from spawning in your tunnels. You could also use Night Vision potions to light your way, but this won’t stop mobs from spawning.

How to find diamonds without mining

Even though mining is the best way to find diamonds, they can be found in places where they have already been mined.

Village treasure chests have a small chance of having diamonds in them. There could be diamonds in the treasure chests of desert temples and mine shafts.

Most of the time, you’ll find diamond-filled chests in treasure chests that have been buried. These are underground chests that are often found on beaches. You can use explorer maps to find these chests. These maps can be found in shipwrecks underwater.


Now that you’ve found diamonds, there’s a lot more you can get. In Minecraft, diamonds are one of the best tools and armor you can have. Only nephrite is better, but you need diamonds to get it. Go deeper into your mineshaft and get more diamonds so you can kill any mob that gets in your way and protects yourself from any mob that tries to hurt you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft?

Where do you find Minecraft diamonds?

Diamond ore is a valuable resource that can be difficult to find. It is found at the bottom of the world, in veins of one to ten blocks. When mined, diamond ore gives experience.

Can you farm diamonds in Minecraft?

In the new update, Minecraft diamond players will be looking to create higher-tier armor and equipment, which can only be done by procuring Diamonds in the game. Fortunately for the players, a new Minecraft Diamond Farming method has been figured out that will help them procure all of their Diamonds needs.

Can you make diamonds in Minecraft?

Crafting diamonds in Minecraft yields nine diamonds, while mining for diamond ore yields one diamond every eight blocks. You can also craft a variety of items using diamonds, including glam gear. Villagers at Minecraft villages are likely to trade you Diamonds if you have enough to offer.

How do you make a diamond sword in Minecraft?

To craft a diamond sword, you’ll need to place two diamonds and one stick in the crafting grid.

How do you make a diamond Duper in Minecraft?

Touching a replica of the item you placed within the chest will duplicate it in your inventory.

How do you make a diamond ring in Minecraft?

The diamond-shaped armor is crafted with four gold ingots in a diamond shape and a diamond or emerald in the top right corner. It can also be found in various different loot chests. By itself, it doesn’t do much, but not nothing.

How do you make a duplicator in Minecraft?

This method involves dropping the items you want to duplicate and then pressing the keyboard shortcut to close a window. Then relaunch the game and reload the world. The items should be duplicated.

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